“You were surfing the wave. Not riding a nuckelavee. That beast would’ve sent you right back through the veil.”
“This is nonsense! Nonsense! How dare you insult me?” Rafe whizzed off in a fit, winking out of sight, and I just looked at Miss Elva. I had no frame of reference for how to handle this situation.
“He’s a bit temperamental. But then, most men are, aren’t they? Fragile egos, most of them. Anywho, I’m thinking we need to pack this menace back to where he belongs, right, honey?” Miss Elva nodded toward the Auld Mill.
“You can feel it?”
“Child, I can feelthata thousand miles away. It is not good. Granted, you have all sorts of magick and beasties wandering about in Scotland, don’t you? Some the likesI’ve never seen back home in Tequila Key, that’s for certain. It’s tough keeping my guards up or I’d be stopping every two seconds to see to one matter or another. But I’m on vacation, aren’t I? I can’t be responsible for solving the world’s problems.”
I didn’t doubt she could. She was equal parts terrifying and soothing, and I had no idea how to proceed. Not that she seemed to expect much as she just steamrolled right over me and kept talking.
“Let’s get this one fixed though, shall we? It’s a nasty spirit in there and he needs to head home. Lads.” Miss Elva snapped her fingers again and tossed a look over her shoulder at her entourage. “My bag.”
One of the half-naked men strolled forward and hooked a large satchel on Miss Elva’s arm. I was beginning to see the appeal of having these men at her beck and call.
“Um, what exactly is your plan?” I was dripping wet, the wind had been knocked out of my sails, and if the dark spirit inside this building was what had taken me down, well, let’s just say I wasn’t entirely pleased about trying to confront it. I had to imagine we looked quite the sight—me, scrawny, pale, my long red hair dripping down my back, and Miss Elva, large, powerful, tartan caftan billowing behind her. An odd pairing, indeed.
“Is that kelp down there?” Miss Elva nodded toward the shoreline where lumps of kelp and other seaweed tangled among the rocks on the shoreline.
“Aye, looks to be.”
“Can you gather some while I get prepared?”
“How much?”
“Not much. Just enough for a spell.”
“As I’ve never done a spell before I’m not quite sure how much you’ll be needing.”
“Never done…” Miss Elva trailed off in surprise, looking me up and down. “I thought you were magickal.”
“Um.” Was I? Maybe after the ritual I was. It was hard to say really. I didn’t really feel magickal.
“No problem. I got this. You’re lucky Miss Elva came along when she did, let me tell you, child. Nasty beastie, hiding out like we can’t see him lurking all gross and dirty in there. Just a handful of kelp should be enough.”
Something shifted behind the windows of the Auld Mill and Miss Elva sneered.
“Yeah, we see you, beastie. You’d better watch yourself.”
Lovely, just lovely. Miss Elva was threatening a sea demon.
This was more than a ghost, and way out of my element, and now somehow, I had to help banish it with magick when I’d never even done a spell before. Well, the Order of Caledonia ritual notwithstanding. Even so, I was out of my element to say the least, but that seemed to be keeping with the theme of my life lately. Taking a deep breath, I dug in my lorry for my tool belt, added my special hammer, and grabbed a canvas bag to collect kelp in. Clambering down to the shore, I took a deep breath. To say I was nervous after nearly drowning was an understatement. I could only hope the “nasty beastie” stayed in the Auld Mill, quietly growling at Miss Elva.I didn’t love the water the first time, and I am not keen to go in again.I quickly gathered the kelp, the salty brine stinging my hands, the scent pungent in the damp air. I was also surprised that nobodyin town had seen the commotion.Were they all hiding indoors today?
“You don’t think those men are sexy, do you?”
I screeched at the voice at my ear, jumping to see Rafe hovering over me.
“Bloody hell,” I gasped, almost dropping the blanket around my shoulders.
“I agree. That’s where thoseladsbelong. Look at them…trying to gain her affection. They might get her for a moment, but she’s mine for a lifetime.” Rafe stared after Miss Elva, adoration in his eyes.
“I mean, they are handsome. If you’re one for those muscular types.” I glanced away from Rafe’s scrawny arms.
“You would say that. Looking like a drowned rat and all.”
“Pardon me?” Not that I was going to fight a ghost, but the thought drifted briefly through my mind.
“Rafe, you leave her alone. We need to get moving or we’ll never get dinner, and you know how I get when I’m hangry.”