“Really?” Orla’s eyes lit as she realized just how on edge I was. “You want me that much?”
“You just drove me crazy with your mouth. You’re a goddess among women, the only person I go to sleep thinking about, and I wake up with your name on my lips. I’m begging you, Orla. Have mercy. You’re killing me.”
“I had no idea I had this kind of power.” Orla idly stroked her hand against my length, and I hissed, knowing how close I was.
“You have all the power. You always will. But just please, please, please…let me touch you too.”
Orla raised her eyes from where she kneeled and grinned at me.
“Och, go on then. Show me what you’ve got.”
Honestly, I’m not sure what had come over me. It had been a whirlwind of emotions tonight, and maybe Fin catching me at a vulnerable moment had made me open to him more. Or maybe we’d just been leading this way all along and I was finally ready to take this moment with him. Either way, I’d been emboldened enough to ask for what I’d wanted.
And he’d let me.
He’d kept his promise, sitting on his hands while I had my way with him. And the way his moans had echoed off the ceiling had made me feel like I was some sexual courtesan, well experienced in the nature of men and their needs. I mean, I had experience, but not a lot of it, and it had been sheer enthusiasm and excitement that had allowed me to explore with such abandon.
The man was seriously packing.
Between a rock-hard and chiseled chest—which by the way, I hadnotbeen expecting—and the fact that I could barely take him inside my mouth, well, my body was basically a puddle of lust. I wanted him, and I would think about the repercussions of that tomorrow. In this moment? All I could see was the adoration in his eyes as he begged me to let him touch me.
I mean, who was I to say no to a man’s pleas? Particularly when I could see his body trembling with barely restrained need.
Iwas doing that.
Ihad made sweat break out on his forehead.
Ihad made his body tremble at my touch.
Ihad made his hips buck as I’d taken him inside my mouth.
Me. The man was besotted with me, dying for my touch, and never had I felt more womanly or powerful. Here I was, in my threadbare jumper and sweatpants, having been in my comfies when I’d left my house, and I felt like I could have been dressed in a lacy bodysuit and icepick heels for the way Fin was responding to me.
It was because of that, the way he looked at me, the way he’d told me he thought I was prettier in my overalls than in a ballgown, that had me peeling my jumper over my head.
“Let’s see what you’ve got.” I reiterated my challenge, loving that he hesitated before he pulled his hands from beneath his legs.
“You’re certain?” Fin asked, checking in with me, and my heart cracked open even more so for this man.
This impossibly kind man.
Who seemed to understand what I needed before even I did.
Who was both silly and serious, equal parts commanding and friendly, who had ridden to my rescue when I’d needed him.
I nodded, biting my lip.
“Bloody hell.” Fin pulled me to standing, stripping my pants down my legs, and buried his face between my legs before I could draw another breath. I jerked against him, shocked as his tongue slid across me, molten heat making my legs shake.
“Oh, God.” I threw my head back, arching my hips forward as one of his hands came up to grip my bum, holding me tight against his face, as he used the other to slip a finger inside me.
I gasped, rocking against him, as he licked, his mouth wet against me, sucking gently as he stroked me, over and over, hitting the perfect spot inside of me. Desire shot through me, the wave of an orgasm riding across my body, as Fin scraped his teeth over me.