“And the Order is stronger for it,” Archie said, causing me to raise an eyebrow. So talking about feelings was out, but supporting women was in? The man had layers.
“I agree on that. We’re kind of just like this witchy round table of badasses, aren’t we?” Sophie laughed and my shoulders tensed.
“Witches?” I said faintly.
“Depends how your power manifests,” Sophie added.
“Your power?” My eyes darted around the room, but everyone was regarding me calmly.
“The Order of Caledonia came into being to protect the Stone. It is comprised of nine people, all of whom have different and unique powers. We’re still trying to figure out how and why those powers play into the bigger picture, because we don’t always know what the candidate’s power will manifest until they accept their role and pass their challenges.”
“Their challenges?” Was I just going to repeat everything they said?
“Yes, three challenges to determine your worth as a member of the Order of Caledonia. Once passed, you are part of the Order and sworn to protect the Stone from those who would steal it.”
“Uh-huh. And the Kelpies?” We hadn’t even gotten to the water beasts that scream in the night and I was ready to start packing my bags.
“The Kelpies are the last line of defense between the Stone and anyone who would try to steal it. When the Order of Caledonia is broken, or unfulfilled, the Stone is vulnerable. Basically, it creates fear and chaos using the Kelpies until the Order can restore the protections appropriately.”
“Which is why Loren Brae is suffering,” Sophie said softly.
“The Kelpies are driving everyone away.” I mean, I couldn’t blame people for running away when they heard a Kelpie scream.That shit was terrifying.
“Yes, and they almost killed someone a few months ago.”
“They have killed in the past,” Archie supplied, and a shiver danced across my skin once more.
“Great, just great. Killer water horses. Witches. Magickal powers. An angry truth Stone.” I pressed my lips together. It was then that Sophie’s words came back to me.
“I promise you we had our own reasons for hiring you.”
So, this wasn’t just about my design abilities?I wish someone would just spell this out for me, as I am so confused.“Where do I play into this?”
“Och, lass, haven’t you figured it out? You’re the next in line to join the Order of Caledonia.” The way Archie looked at me made me think about how I’d hid in the back of science class, desperately hoping not to be called on because I didn’t know the answer. My shoulders hunched.
“Good delivery, Archie. Shame her for not figuring it out in all of the five minutes she’s had to try and process this information.” Sophie glared at Archie. “You’ve lived with this knowledge your whole life. Give other people a chance to get up to speed, okay?”
“I’ve told you not to have him around when you talk to the new members,” Hilda said, pursing her lips.
“Duly noted for the future.” Sophie rolled her eyes while my thoughts scrambled to make sense of what was happening.
“Why me?”
“We don’t always know. Agnes is queen of research, and she’s trying to connect the dots on who the Order members are. So far, there’s been some sort of blood connection between who is next in line.”
“My mother?” I whispered, my hand at my heart. The memories of her were blurred in my mind, but I remembered her laugh, warm and all encompassing, and how she smelled like lemons.
“Perhaps. Or another member of that side of your family.”
Gran?I hadn’t had a chance to go see my grandparents yet, but I was hoping to borrow a car to go visit them soon once I found my rhythm here.
I didn’t say anything for a moment, and the room descended into silence as I tried to process what they weretelling me. None of them looked to be unstable, and I didn’t get the sense that they were pulling a weird practical joke on me. I’d seen Clyde for myself, hadn’t I? Unless Clyde was some super advanced animation they had rigged into the castle to dupe guests, but I just wasn’t getting that vibe from them.
My gut told me this was real.
My head, though confused and scrambling to process this new information, confirmed the same.
This was the real deal. Kelpies, magick, and the Order of Caledonia. Which meant…