“I, for one, will happily feed Lachlan’s ego if it means I get as many orgasms as I do.”

“Who needs a man when you have a vibrator? Have you seen the designs they have these days? Enough to make you sing.”

Agnes nodded and high-fived me, while Ramsay made a sound caught between a laugh and a groan, and I winked at him.

“Nothing you need to worry yourself with, Ramsay. Women can take care of themselves.”

“If you prefer rowing a boat yourself instead of a ride on a superyacht.” Ramsay shrugged, and my mouth dropped open.

“A superyacht.” Agnes snorted and patted Ramsay’s arm while I tried to ignore the heat that warmed my body at his words. “That’s an inflated opinion you have ofyourself, darling.”

“Never had any complaints.” Ramsay flashed Agnes a grin so full of heat and oozing sexual promises that I felt the force of it from where I stood. Agnes blinked up at him, momentarily stunned, and I could not blame her. The man packed a powerful punch when he wanted to.

Which I was not going to pay attention to. No, sir. I was not.

The inner door to the pub opened, spilling enticing scents and laughter, and I rushed toward the lightness and warmth, because I quite literally had no answer for the lust that plagued me for my potential employer. Now I was stuck thinking about what a superyacht of sexual experiences with Ramsay would look like and that wasnotwhere my thoughts needed to be about my brother’s best friend.

Superyacht. Indeed.



The Tipsy Thistle oozed charm and made me feel both welcomed and at home. Already, I itched to take endless photos of every nook and cranny of the building. The layering of textures here was something that interior designers would kill for, yet I suspected the design worked simply due to its authenticity. This was a place that had become what it was through decades of existing, not because it was carefully curated at the hands of a designer. It was a hodge-podge sort of space, like rooms had been added through the decades as an afterthought, and worn wood beams, stone walls, and a cheerful fire crackling in the wide fireplace dispelled some of the cold that seeped in from outside. A heavy wooden bar anchored the room, and one of the most handsome men I’d ever seen in my life gave me aslow smile designed to make a woman drop her panties at ten paces.

“Holy shit,” I breathed.

“Och, admire him from afar but don’t let him know it,” Agnes advised me, “or we’ll never hear the end of it. He’s like a puppy—if you give him a treat he’ll never leave you alone.”

“Do I want him to leave me alone?” I wondered out loud.

“Yes,” Ramsay growled at my ear and then stomped across the room to take a seat at the end of the bar.

“Do what you like.” Agnes shrugged, but I caught a whiff of something there. She turned to walk to the bar and Sophie grabbed my arm. Meeting my eyes, she shook her head once, and then nodded at Agnes’s back.

Ah. Message received.

I’d much rather make friends here than toy with the men, so I filed the hot bartender into the “Don’t Touch” category and followed Sophie to sit next to Agnes at the bar.

“Och, there’s a trio of bonnie lasses to warm my cold, dead heart on a blustery evening. I see you’ve brought a friend with you. To what do I owe this pleasure?” The bartender, with wicked eyes, a mouth made for sinful dreams, and muscular arms, leaned onto the bar in front of me and offered another unhurried smile. I’ll admit, my inner hussy that had been momentarily considering wrapping herself around Ramsay now sashayed right over to the bar and fluttered her lashes at the bartender. It was hard not to be attracted to this man, who basically oozed sex appeal, and I realized he’d chosen the perfect profession if he enjoyed being ogled every night.

“Graham, this is Willow. She’s come to work for MacAlpine Castle to design a customized line of clothing for the gift shop. She’ll also be interning at Ramsay Kilts.”

“Nope,” Ramsay interjected from down the bar, and I turned to see him, arms crossed and staring at a sports game on a television screen.

“A few small details to be worked out,” Sophie continued through gritted teeth. A look that I couldn’t quite identify passed between Graham and Sophie, and then Graham turned the full power of his attention upon me.

“Well, now, sure and it’s grand to have a bonnie lass such as yourself joining us in Loren Brae. It’s been a particularly … cold winter … and you’re like the sunshine peeking through storm clouds.”

Oh man. This one knew what he was about. I blew out a shaky breath.

“Is it poetry you’re spouting these days, Graham? For someone who never reads, that’s certainly a new twist.”

“What’s life if you aren’t growing, my sweet Agnes?” Graham shot her a honey-sweet smile before offering a hand. “I’m Graham, and I am the proprietor of this fine establishment.”

“Which will go out of business soon if you forget to get your patrons drinks,” Ramsay said. Graham’s grin widened as he held my hand a moment longer.

“It’s lovely to meet you, Willow. What are you drinking tonight?”