“Just used to it, man.”

“I wanted to talk to you about something.”

“What’s up?” Miles’s face instantly sobered. I wasn’t one to call him much for advice or to talk matters of theheart, but we’d had enough important chats through the years to know when the other needed us.

“Your sister’s here.”

“I knew it! I asked her if she was going to see you and she denied it.” Miles shook his head and glowered into the phone.

“That’s not the worst of it. She’s meant to be my new intern.”

“Wait, you hired her as an intern and didn’t tell me? What the hell, man?” Miles leaned back from the phone, affronted.

“I didn’t know, mate. Sophie, who owns MacAlpine Castle, and is my best friend’s girlfriend, badgered me into taking on an intern. Said she wanted to design a line of custom kilts for the castle shop. She didn’t tell me who the intern was.”

“Ah, okay. So, what’s the problem? Did she screw up already?”

I tilted my head at that, the tone of his voice putting my back up the same way that Sheila’s comment about keeping my word had. Why would Miles think she’d screwed up? Did she have a bad track record or something? I realized now how little I knew about Willow’s life because, well, I never really asked Miles about it. We talked about work and girlfriends and planned the occasional guy’s trip together.

“No, not at all. I barely saw her.” Just pressed her luscious breasts against my chest while my hands gripped her thick thighs and my body begged to take her to a dark corner of the castle and sink into all her softness. Fucking hell, I was doomed. Even thinking about how her body hadfelt against mine earlier was causing an uncomfortable reaction.

“This is great, actually. Finally someone who can keep an eye out for her since she refuses to let me.”

“You want me to look after her?” I kept my expression flat, hoping he couldn’t read anything untoward in my eyes.

“Yes, please. Last dude she dated stole from her and slept with her only employee. The job before that? Tried to make her model lingerie for their ad campaigns instead of letting her design. The job beforethatone? Boss put his hands on her and tried to force her to sleep with him.”

My blood boiled.

“His name?” My voice took on a sharp edge.

“I took care of it, bro. But thanks. She just needs a win. I’d hoped it would be here, in Minnesota, but she’s allergic to me at this point.”

“Maybe because you have the approach of a bulldozer?”

Miles laughed and looked away from the camera before turning back.

“Pot calling the kettle black and all that.”


“Just look out for her, will ya? I feel better knowing she’s there with you. And don’t tell her I said that. Oh, and I wouldn’t mind updates since she’s pissed at me right now.”

Great, now I’d been put in the position of protecting herandreporting back to her brother.

“Maybe it’s best not to work with her. I don’t want you coming after me if it doesn’t work out. Doesn’t sound like she’s had a great track record at her jobs. Is she even a good designer?”

“Oh, hell yeah, she’s great. Wait until you see her stuff. It’s not her work ethic that’s the issue, Ramsay. She’s just so damn naïve. She’d give any dude off the street a roof for the night if he needed a place to sleep. How she didn’t get mugged regularly in New York City I do not know. She’s the most optimistic person I’ve ever met, and I think I’d be less worried if I saw she’d sharpened some edges. Unfortunately, the only person she seems to have claws with is me.”Not, quite. Och, I had a glimpse of those claws myself.At least now I understood why she’d been so antagonistic toward me when she first spotted me. What had she accused me of?

“I don’t need you reporting back to my brother.”

“We’re hardest on those closest to us.”

“Maybe. Either way, just keep an eye on her, yeah? I gotta run, my contractor’s meeting me for a site walk-through.”

“Aye, no problem, mate. Catch up soon.”

I hung up and stared across the shop, my annoyance with Sophie growing even more. Why had I ever said yes to her proposal? This was all Lachlan’s fault. Checking the time, I stood and grabbed my coat. He’d be at the pub tonight.