“Cheeky bastards, aren’t they?”

“They are.” I laughed, amazed that I was even having a conversation about live gnomes at the moment. “And Brice and Calvin were having a lovefest.”

“Oh good. I told him to clear out while everyone was here. He has a tendency to get over involved in the party planning and can freak a few people out.” Lia’s knife flew as she spoke.

“I can imagine,” I said dryly, looking up as Hilda poked her head in.

“Shona? Should we do flowers?”

“Put me to work. Ijust need like an hour to finish my outfit before the dance.”

Before I followed Shona into the other room, I leaned close to Lia.

“How’s your mom?” I whispered.

“Wicked good, thanks to you. She’s got next level care.” Lia’s eyes warmed as she smiled at me. “I’ll always be indebted to you.”

“No, it’s nothing. Really.” I wanted to tell her about the vision I’d had about the fire, but figured she, quite literally, had enough on her plate. It could wait.

By the time I’d helped with the flowers, put out games for the kids, and packaged cute party favors, I was running out of time to finish my outfit. I couldn’t wait for Ramsay to see me in it. Ducking out, I stopped by the library to find it empty. Archie must have taken them somewhere, but since I trusted him with Calvin, I figured he was probably stuffing the cat full of chicken and other various treats. Feeling excited for my first real Scottish dance, I opened my apartment door to find Ramsay with his back to me, his voice raised as he spoke to someone on the phone.

“I understand if you don’t like it. But I’m not going to stop dating your sister.”

My shoulders tensed. He was on the phone with Miles.

I’d meant to bring it up to Ramsay again, but we’d been so busy with other things. I hung back, nervous, as Miles let out a string of curses.

“You call yourself a friend? A brother to me? And you go and sleep with my sister?”

“It’s not like that.” Ramsay glowered at the phone.

“Some friend you are. I considered you a brother. Youtold me you’d look out for her. And instead you’re hooking?—”

“Watch yourself.” The warning in Ramsay’s voice sent a shiver down my back.

“Youwatch yourself. If I was there, I swear to God, I’d lay you out. Screw you, man. You’re no friend.”

Miles’s face disappeared from the screen, and Ramsay’s shoulders slumped.


Ramsay turned, his face set in stone.

“He’ll calm down. He’s just … that’s how he gets. You know Miles doesn’t handle anything out of his control well. He sucks. Like, legit sucks. It’s going to be okay once he calms down.”

“He’s not wrong.”

I tensed at his words, stepping farther into the room, clenching my hands at my chest.

“What do you mean? Are you … ending things?”

I felt like I was being dumped the night of prom. My stomach twisted, and tears threatened.

“What? Och, no.No. But he’s also not wrong. I crossed a line.” Ramsay lifted his eyes to meet mine, and I stepped forward until we were inches apart. Still I didn’t touch him. I lifted my face to his.

“Did you though? It’s not like you took advantage of me. If this is what we both want, who is he to stand in our way?”

Was it what we both wanted? I loved this man. But I can’t tell him I love him, not if he’s unsure about what he feels for me.