“That’s a valid question.” Sophie nibbled her lower lip and turned to Hilda and Archie. “For me it was an easier choice because I inherited the castle, but what about Willow? What if she wants to leave and expand her career past Loren Brae and whatever opportunities we can give her?”
“Our hope is that all members of the Order will stay until the final ritual that should subdue the Kelpies and secure the Stone. After that, so long as some members remain in Loren Brae to keep the wards strong, you should be free to leave.”
“And if that doesn’t happen? I have to stay?”
“No, but you would be sacrificing the needs of many for your own desires.” Archie glared at me, and I had the ridiculous desire to stick my tongue out at him. First, he insinuated that I was dumb, and now he was suggesting that I was selfish.
“And what about now? If I get up right now and walk out that door? What happens to Loren Brae then? Youcan’t tell me that every supposed member of this Order is going to just fall in line and join this magickal cult.”
“Not a cult,” Sophie insisted. “I’ve really tried to be clear on this. The only cult I’d join is one that worships cheese.”
Archie sighed.
I grinned. I couldn’t help myself. It was just random enough to make me smile and ease some of my tension. Plus, I could get on board with a little cheese worship.
“Have you considered leading with cheese? You might convince people more quickly to join,” I asked.
“I have cheese.” Hilda jumped up and left the room, and I laughed. I couldn’t help it. My emotions were ping-ponging around inside of me. I closed my eyes, schooled my breathing, and then opened them to meet Sophie’s.
“Is it scary?”
“The Kelpies? Yeah, they are. But we can beat them. Together. The power is cool, though. I mean, it’s like you get to rescue yourself a little, you know? I’ve been thinking about having T-shirts made.”
Archie snorted. “What would they say?”
“I’ll save myself, thanks. Or…I’m no damsel in distress.Or maybe,Not your Damsel in Distress?” Sophie tapped her lips as she thought about it.
In that moment, something clicked. The same click that I’d felt when we’d driven up to MacAlpine Castle yesterday. I wanted to stay and help Sophie design those damn T-shirts. I wanted to save Loren Brae, hell, save myself. And if that meant stepping into some honest-to-God magickal powers and battling a few Kelpies, well, why the hell not? It couldn’t be harder than trying to eke out aliving in New York City. I was made of tougher stuff than this.
“Not bad. I can work up a few designs for you.”
Sophie jumped up and cheered, just as Hilda returned with a plate of cheese and crackers.
“I’m guessing we won’t be needing the cheese after all?” Hilda asked.
“Oh no, we definitely need the cheese. Celebratory cheese for the win. Willow is staying!”
“For the foreseeable future.” I slid a glance to Archie who gave me a gruff nod of approval. For some reason, that somewhat settled my anxiety.
“Now, about these T-shirts … what do you think about adding a sword design?”
How does one dress for a ritual where you join a magickal order tasked with protecting a magickal truth stone that knows all the secrets of the universe?
I mean, I’d packed a variety of outfits, but this situation hadn’t quite made it onto my list of potential occasions. Sophie had warned me we’d be outside and tromping all over the estate to stand on some cardinal direction points or something, so my silver party dress was definitely out. In the end, I’d gone with black leather pants, a Ramones sweatshirt, hot pink Doc Martens, and my worn leather coat with studs up the arms. It felt a little punk rock, this stepping into power and taking on some water beasts, so I figured the Ramones would be on board with my outfit choice.
“Hey ho, let’s go,” I murmured to myself as I met Sophie, Hilda, Archie, and Lachlan outside. Icy windwhipped around the side of the castle, stopping me in my tracks, and I pulled my jacket closer around my body.
Sophie reached out and squeezed my hand when I neared them.
“It’s painless. Promise.”
An hour later, the ritual was complete, and Sophie had been right. The ritual itself, while steeped in words of old and exclaiming my willingness to protect the Stone of Truth at the four cardinal points on the property, had been fairly uncomplicated.
“I accept the responsibility of protecting the Clach na Fìrinn and promise to restore the Order to its fullness. In doing so, I show myself worthy of the magick of Clach na Fìrinn.”