Page 73 of Wild Scottish Rose

“I have gnomes,” I blurted out and Lia squealed, grabbing my arm.

“No way! Oh, I’m going to have to come meet them.”

“Please do.”

A knock sounded at the door and one of Lia’s servers stuck their head in. “Sorry to interrupt, Chef.”

“Go, go. We’ll catch up soon. I’m glad we had this talk.”

“Here.” Lia reached above my head for a jar and handed it to me.

“What is this?”


“For what?”

“To open your heart.”

“What? No, I don’t need that.” I pushed the tea back toward her, but she put her hands behind her back like a child.

“Just take it. Use it if you’re struggling. It’ll set you on the right course.”

“I…” I saw the stubborn lift of her chin. “Fine, thank you, Lia.”

“Now go make out with that fine man of yours.”

“He’s not mine.”

Lia tapped the jar of tea as she left the pantry.

“Not yet, he’s not.”



When Owen parked the car by his cottage, instead of stopping at mine, my nerves kicked up.

“Can I invite you in for a glass of wine?”

Owen’s voice rasped in the darkness of the car, and a long pull of awareness sizzled through me. Even though I’d practically begged him, twice now, to take me to bed, now that possibility actually presented itself, a million worries kicked up. What if he didn’t think I was attractive enough? What if I didn’t perform as well as those Hollywood actresses that knew every angle of their bodies and how to move to showcase themselves flawlessly?

I want to take my time with you…

His words flashed back to me, and my skin tingled, as though I could already feel his touch. Without waiting for a response, Owen exited the car and hurried round to pull mydoor open, reaching for my hand. I took it, moving to step out, and jerked back as the seatbelt slammed into lock-mode.

“Shit,” I mumbled, unclicking the seatbelt. Was I doomed to hopelessly embarrass myself in front of this man? Owen pulled me gently from the car, kind enough not to remark on my tussle with the seatbelt, and I promptly caught my foot on a rock and sprawled forward.

Owen caught me before I fell, lifting me into his arms, his breath hot at my ear.

“Why, Miss Shona, I do believe you’ve fall-en for me.”

His words caused my brain to short-circuit, because no, he wasn’t wrong, but also, no, I wasn’t quite ready to share that information yet. That was my secret to hold in my heart and pull out to examine when nobody else was around to tell me that I was being stupid to fall for a man that lived a world away and had famous people on speed dial.

“Just one ofrosethings,” I said, when my brain caught up to garden puns.

Owen paused at his door, sliding me down the front of his body, and pressed me against the cottage. It had gotten colder, cold enough that I could see my breath come out in sharp pants in the soft light hanging over the door. Owen leaned down, bringing his forehead to mine, everywhere his body touched me causing little mini explosions of excitement. He shocked me by bringing his hard thigh between my legs, and pressing upward, until I locked my thighs around his.