“Ilikeromcoms,” Shona admitted.
“My friend Ryan just got signed for one. Seems to be a popular thing at the moment.”
“And I, for one, am here for it. I want fun and lightness in my world,” Shona said, then her face sobered. “Is Ryan the friend that just got hurt?”
“He is. It’s also why I’m here.” I hated to shift the lightness of the moment, suspecting she would close up on me once I told her I was investigating Loren Brae. Even if there was nothing going on in this town, I’d discovered over theyears that most people didn’t like their spaces to be the subject of an investigation. Both figuratively and literally. Loren Brae was Shona’s world, and I was about to peel back the outer layers and peek inside at the inner workings.
“To take care of him?” Shona asked.
“No, his parents came today and collected him.” I stretched my legs out toward the fire, taking a deep breath, and then looked up at Shona. “He asked me to investigate here. Perhaps to make a film, or just to dig deeper. He told me that something … chased him in the water that day. Something perhaps unexplainable. I’m here to uncover what that is.”
Shona’s mouth rounded in that perfect O again. For a second, I saw a flash of recognition in her eyes before she threw her head back and laughed.
It wasn’t the same laugh as before. The tone of it had changed.
“Och, you Americans. Always falling for the enchantment of Scotland. It’s not uncommon you know. We have so many myths and legends, that it’s quite fun to believe in the magick of it all, isn’t it? Hell, Loch Ness makes a killing in tourist dollars each year for those hoping to see Nessie.” Shona shook her head and stood, rolling out her shoulders and stretching. “Thanks for the nightcap, Owen. That’s me off to bed though. It's been a long day, and I didn’t sleep well last night.”
Quick to leave, I noted, and rose as well.
“I’m sure that’s probably what it is,” I agreed, reluctant to lose the thread of my questioning. “Just another fake Nessie sighting.”
“Likely so,” Shona agreed, moving so quickly, shecaught her foot on the leg of her chair. I leaped forward and wrapped my arms around her waist, catching her before she fell into the fire, and pulled her a few steps backward. Her body plastered against my chest, and she wore a shocked expression. I wanted to make a joke, to ease her embarrassment over being clumsy, but instead I fixated on that perfectly kissable mouth. What would happen if I leaned in, for just a taste? Would she spit at me and kick me off her property? Or would she warm to my touch, welcoming me in? Desire raged through me, and despite the sense I got that she was hiding something from me, I couldn’t resist.
Just one taste.
One small kiss.
A sample, if you will, to ease the knot of desire that had kept me on edge all day.
Bending my head, I hovered my lips over Shona’s.
“Doesn’t the princess bestow a kiss on the man who rescues her?” I asked, my pulse kicking up as Shona softened in my arms.
“I donotneed rescuing.” Shona’s breath puffed against my mouth, and I smiled, appreciating her annoyance with me.
“You would have fallen face first into the fire.”
“I would have caught myself in time.”
“Answer the question, Shona.”
“The princess can do whatever she wants,” Shona began, and shifted in my arms. Again, she didn’t make a move to pull away. “She doesn’t owe anyone anything. Isn’t it the nature of commonfolk to always take care of the princess?”
“If you are a follower of the monarchy, then yes, itwould be a given that you save the princess.” I brought one hand up, flicking my finger across the soft skin at her neck, and lifted her chin. “Answer the question.”
Time hung suspended while I watched Shona war with herself. She had a fascinating face, her moods flitting through her expressive blue eyes, and I mentally catalogued how I would film her if she was an actress.
“Fine, you may have a kiss,” Shona said, and I did not wait for her to change her mind, because I could already see her wanting to take the words back.
Her lips were soft beneath mine, as cushiony as they looked, and they parted under my gentle caress. I nipped lightly, angling her head slightly, and tasted the hint of wine that still lingered. Desire raced through me, licking up my body like the flames that devoured the wood behind me, and it took everything in my power not to hitch her up so that her legs wound around my waist, and I could press her back to the wall and kiss her like I wanted to.
A soft moan escaped Shona’s mouth, and she reached up, threading her fingers through my hair and pulling my head more tightly to hers. My control snapped. Running my hands down her body, I cupped her generous butt, enjoying the feel of her curves beneath my hands. Lifting her, I did what I’d just imagined, and walked her a few steps backward until I had her pressed against the stone wall of the cottage.
Shona squeaked in surprise, and I deepened the kiss, pressing myself against the soft spot of her legs, hunger for more consuming me.
She was everything. Hard and soft, pleasure and pain. A study in contrasts. I was dying to slip my hands under herworn sweater, to feel her skin heat under the silky underwear I knew she wore. I wanted to take her apart, piece by piece, until she quivered beneath my touch, spent and satiated.
Thunder boomed, and Shona broke the kiss, blinking up at me. Her lips had deepened to a rosy color, swollen with my kisses, and I bent my head for more.