Page 24 of Wild Scottish Rose

“Seriously?” I turned to see Eugene tumble under a bush, vanishing from sight. “They’re quite common here. Or used to be at least.”

“I’ve only seen them online. Wearing those cute little hats, you know?”

I squinted at Owen in the faint light and shook my head.

“No, Owen. I don’t know. Hats?” I snuck a glance to Gnorman, who had rearranged his face into a snarl.

“Yeah, like cowboy hats. Or little outfits? Then they smile at you all cute?”

“I’ve yet to see a hedgie in a hat, but I’ll be sure to report if I do.” Though, based on what Gnorman seemed to have planned, I wouldn’t be surprised if army uniforms were next in line. I should probably move Owen away from him before he gave the gnome any ideas.

“Hey, there’s the gnome again. How many of these guys do you have? The other one was in a different position, wasn’t he?” Owen crouched to pick up Gnorman, and I grabbed his bicep to stop him.

His very hard bicep that is. My palm tingled where I touched him, and I stared at his arm, fascinated with the way the muscle flexed under the flannel shirt he wore.

“He doesn’t like to be picked up,” I explained when Owen glanced at my hand and then up at me, his mouth quirking in a surprised grin.

“A fussy gnome, is he?”

Oh, I bet Gnorman would just love being called fussy. Amused that the gnome was forced into staying silent, I dropped my hand from Owen’s arm and rocked back on my heels, determined to enjoy this moment.

“Very. And quite delicate too. He breaks very easily.”

“Maybe not the best for a garden ornament then,” Owen said, straightening. “Does he have a name?”

“Of course. Gnorman. With a silent G.”

“No way.” Owen laughed. “What’s up, G?”

Oh, yes, I was deeply enjoying this. While Owen likely wouldn’t notice, I could just see the gnome’s eyes narrowing to slits and his cheeks pinkening with rage. I made a note to call Gnorman “G” whenever possible.

Wow, whowasI? I’d gone from questioning my magick to plotting ways to anger my cantankerous gnome.I guess one had to find their fun where they could.

“Join me for a glass of wine?” Owen asked and I blinked at him, pulling my thoughts away from the glaring gnome.

“Wine?” I repeated and could just make out a small snicker from Gnorman. I inched my foot closer, threatening to nudge him over on his bum.

“You know … a drink made from grapes. A libation? Often used to relax or paired with a perfect pasta dish?” Owen grinned. It was the grin that did me in. He had one dimple, on the left-hand side of his face, that turned his smile lopsided and endearing. Until I looked in his eyes, that is. There, I could sense a restrained heat, simmering just under the surface, that likely fueled the energy that seemed to crackle around him as he moved through the world. It was that same energy that had drawn all eyes to him when he’d crossed the banquet hall to deal with Kennedy at the wedding. I’d like to say I was immune to it, but I’d be lying.

“Cute,” I said. “Does insulting your dates lull them into complacency so they accept your invitations?”

“Oh, so this is a date?” Owen slid an arm through mine and steered me toward his cottage before I could even agree to joining him. I should be annoyed with the way he took control, but a small part of me thrilled to his touch. Glancing over my shoulder, I caught Gnorman glaring after us, his hands now on his hips, and I motioned with my chin for him to move. Instead, he gave me a two-fingered salute, going British this time with his insult, and rumbled off into the bushes after his army. I could not believe that ofall the familiars that I could have gotten, I was given a gnome that had the attitude of an old man furious with kids playing on his lawn.

“What? No.” I pulled my attention back to Owen, stumbling as my foot caught on a rock in the path. Owen steadied me, and I grimaced, annoyed with myself. There was something about this man that always had me off kilter.

“It could be a date, if you wanted it to be.”

“I’m your landlord, Owen. It wouldn’t be prudent.” God, did I sound like a buttoned-up prissy or what? I flashed back to the leggy blonde openly flirting with Owen at the wedding.Shewas likely a fun time.

Unlike down-in-the-dirt Shona, who spent more time talking to her plants than humans. Well, now there was also the gnome and his hedgie army. Yup, I was the real life of a party. I pressed my lips together, annoyed with where my thoughts had gone. I didn’t like to get down on myself in such a manner, but sometimes when I was faced with someone who contrasted so sharply with my very existence, it was easier to shine a light on my flaws than to just accept our differences. Maybe not the best habit of mine, but hey, I was only human.

And a garden witch.

That thought sent a little zing of pleasure through me, and I straightened my shoulders, lifted my chin, and tossed my hair over my shoulder. That’s right. I had power now. No need for self-belittling monologues in my head. No, ma’am. I was better than that now.

“All done?”

I blinked up at Owen, realizing that we’d come to a stop in front of the cottage and that I was quietly muttering tomyself while I worked through my thoughts. I jolted, heat flushing my cheeks, and took a deep breath.