Page 78 of Wild Scottish Rose

“Nessie isn’t known for maiming people. Not only would it create more people asking questions of locals, but it would put more people in harm’s way. Until the Kelpies are restrained, it’s in everyone’s best interest that this remain quiet, don’t you see?”

Owen’s eyes sharpened.

“You can restrain them?”

“Owen, focus on what I am saying for a moment. Can you promise me that you won’t share this film with the world?”

Owen pursed his lips together, and he got up, pacing the room with his hands caught behind his back, talking out loud as he thought it through.

“I can’t say that I don’t see your side of things, now that you’ve brought them to my attention. That being said, if the Kelpies are real, and they’re hard to contain, who’s to say that someone else won’t come along and do the same? At the very least, you’d have a benevolent view from behind the lens, right?”

My heart dropped. He wasn’t going to let this go. All thoughts of telling him that I was magick, too, fled my mind and self-preservation reared its head.

“I mean, anyone with a phone could capture it, right? Like if they’re here, they’re here. At least I could shed some light on the history, or the why, or even serve as a warning to stay away. But unless you give me all the information, how am I going to be able to portray things accurately?”

“When has warning people to stay away ever actually caused them to stay away?”

Owen’s mouth quirked in a smile.

“Fair point. How about this? Tell me what you know, and I’ll let you be involved in the making of the movie. Or documentary. I have no idea what this could be yet, but I have a gut feeling that it will be incredible.”

It was a startling offer, particularly from a man as accomplished as Owen, and I knew this was his way ofoffering his trust to me. I took a deep breath. I couldn’t well stop the man from making a film, could I? Whether I was involved with him or not. Unless someone ran him from town, he was free to do what he wanted. And Owen was right, anyone with an iPhone could record the Kelpies at any point. It was only a matter of time.

And I think Agnes knew that too.

Taking a deep breath, I looked up at him.

“There’s one part that nobody can know. Ever. I’d like you to sign something, and give it to me, that it won’t be revealed in whatever you create.”

“Um, I’m not sure I can…” Owen studied my face. “That important, huh?”

“It’s the kind of secret that can, quite literally, destroy worlds. It’s not worth it for me to share unless I know you’ll protect it. And Loren Brae.”

“Deal.” Owen scribbled in his notebook and ripped off the sheet, handing it to me. I read it, seeing he’d agreed to my terms, and tucked it into my bra.

“Thank you. You see, the Kelpies are here because they’re protecting something on the island, something that can alter worlds. The holy grail, if you will.”

“Shut up.” Owen’s eyes tracked to my bra, and I knew he was immediately regretting his decision to sign away his film rights to that part of the story.

“The Clach na Fìrinn—the Stone of Truth—lies buried on the island in the middle of Loch Mirren. The Kelpies protect it.”

“The Stone of Truth,” Owen whispered. “Like a sentient being?”

I nodded. “It contains all universal knowledge. In thewrong hands, it can destroy worlds. Which is why it is protected so fiercely. Better for nobody to possess it than to have it fall into the wrong ownership.”

“And the Kelpies patrol the loch, trying to kill anyone that gets too close?”

“Pretty much,” I said.

“That’s equal parts terrifying and exciting,” Owen said, pacing the room once more.

I could see it though, the moment he decided he needed to know more, to get the footage.

“I have to go out there.”

“Absolutely not.” I stood, hands on my hips, fury rising.

“But if I do, the Kelpies will come. If I have my cameras set up, I’ll be the first in the world to record them. Can you imagine, Shona? This would be documenting history! It’s incredible that this exists. This needs to be documented. Even if it never leaves Loren Brae. If it goes to whomever the guardians of such knowledge are…don’t you think you should have these recordings? For future generations?”