I reach under myself, squeezing my dick, which is achingfrom just his hands on me inanyway. Even though he said he wouldn’t…anymore. I shut my eyes, remembering him shaking me awake in his Jeep last night.
“We’re home, Millsy.” I was fucking out of it. Just got too tired at the cabin. Seeing him with Cara made me feel like shit. Arnie told me I should go to the University of Alabama, that he’d fucked more guys in two weeks than he thought he would in his entire life. That made me feel worse.
So I was in a crap place when Ezra woke me up in his Jeep. He tried to spot me as I got out. Then, right before we reached the porch steps, he wrapped his arm around my lower back. He opened the door for me and followed me up the stairs, asking if I needed anything before I came in here to my room.
I look around now, spotting a glass of water with a straw on the nightstand, so I figure he must have left it for me.
I tug the covers up over my shoulders and close my eyes, thinking of the way he rubbed me just now. Why’d he do that—if he doesn’t really like me at all? Is it guilt? I roll over on my side, hugging myself.
The next thing I’m aware of is his fingers tickling my arm.
“Hey there, sleeping beauty…” He’s smiling down at me, this little tight smile: nice and kind of awkward. “Got some donuts.”
I sit up, because I can’t stand to be lying down around him anymore. The donut box is on the duvet. I look at it, then at him.
“Did you have some already?”
His mouth twitches, like a trying-to-be smile. “Not yet.”
“You should have one.”
“Later,” he says. “There’s a latte on your nightstand. Got the decaf since I wasn’t sure.”
And then he’s out. Motherfucker bounces without another word, and I don’t see him for almost two hours. I can hear him. He gets a shower, I think brushes his teeth. After that, I hear him in his room—just house noises from when he walks and stuff.
I text my mom and Jenna, who tells me James and Cara hooked up after we left last night.
‘What? I thought she was seeing Ezra?’
‘Nope,’Jenna replies.‘I’m hearing it was an act, all for James. Your stepbrother is a single man’
Well, fuck me.
I notice as I’m texting Jenna that Brennan sent one asking how I’m feeling.‘Better today,’I tell him. I feel bad for withholding the truth, but I don’t want to talk about this shit yet. Marcel texts as I’m polishing off my second chocolate donut.
‘What’s up with you and your bro?’
Nosey fucker.
‘Nothing,’I text.
‘What did he do to you?’
The fuck?‘Why do you think he did something?’
‘Dunno, just a feeling I get’
Great, so Marcel is a psychic now.
‘Nothing is up w/ us, dude. It’s all good.’
‘I like the boy,’he tells me.
‘Uh well that’s good’
‘I think it’s good he moved here. Real good for the team too’
Why do people like to text? It’s so fucking boring.