"What is that?" I ask.
"I think it's just some walking bridge. Part of the state park that's here."
I didn't know there was a state park. I don't say it. "That's cool," I say instead.
Then, with no warning, all the pine trees disappear, and there's just...water. On both sides of the road. Water lapping between tall grass. Marshy water. There's a long-legged bird of some kind standing in it. It's a white bird.
The road tilts up. We're driving onto a bridge. I can see the glass sheet of the lake on both sides. I look out my window, looking at the shoreline. Trees and cliffs. It's pretty. Picturesque. If I tried hard enough, I could remember this view. What am I doing wrong? Hardly anybody after they do ECT loses their memories forever. It's supposed to be more temporary.
I swallow. Can't swallow. And my eyes are welling up and stinging. My fucking throat aches, too.
I look out at the bridge. Slats in it. When our tires pass over them, they make a sound.
Thunk thunk thunk.
"I know it doesn't look like much,” Josh says, “but it's a tourist destination. At least for fisher people."
"Fisher people," I rasp, trying to smirk.
"Well, they're not just men," Mills says.
"I know," I whisper. I'm trying to hide my freak out behind my shades, but I can't speak at normal volume. Anyway, it's just a matter of time. Before he says something. Because—be honest, Ezra—he already knows that something's wrong.
I take a deep, slow breath. Then I shut my eyes, and I just fucking tell him. "I can't go."
"What?" His hand tenses in mine, and I feel him loosen it—just as I feel him take a slow breath of his own. "What do you mean, Ez?"
"I want to see you at Christmas. But I can't see Carl. I can't tell him that shit. Not right now. Not at the fucking holidays, dude. I know you think he'd wanna know, but no one wants to find out their son that they lost touch with got treated like a POW and almost raped. Scratch that, just almost raped byPaul; the other incidents, I think one would classify as mini rapes, if nothing else. And then, said son was such a wreck that the kid's mother sent him inpatient, and inpatient was so alarmed that they did ECT? You think my dad wants that shit atChristmas, Mills? He doesn't. They want to seeyou. The one they know. So they can sit around and eat the ham and watch TV and just be normal. No one wants this fucking...trauma."
"I do," he says. His hand tightens in mine.
"But you're different.”
"Why? How am I different?"
We're on a road, not a bridge, that cuts through the lake. I don't understand. I try to look at it, to think on the mechanics of it. Calm myself down.
"I don't know," I choke. I swallow hard, and a tear drips. "Because you love me." It sounds like a question.
"I do love you. But your dad does, too. And my mom—she loves you. She loved doing things for you. She thought you were sharp and funny. When you left, I think she took it hard. Because she loved you too, dude."
"Yeah, but Josh, you just told me she took ithard. My dad, did he take it hard, too? Did he take well to the fact that I justleft? I told him I wanted to be with my mom again. Did he blame you for it? What did he think of the whole fucking thing?"
"I know what he would think about seeing you, his son, again at Christmas,” Josh says. “He would be elated. He would hug you. He would love you with zero conditions, because that's who your dad is."
"Good. Then he can have a good Christmas. Maybe the day after Christmas. Something like that. If you really want me to see him, I will. Or Christmas Day. The evening. I don't want to fuck your Christmas up either."
Josh’s hand squeezes mine, and then he brings our hands to his lap. "Angel, you could never, ever ruin my Christmas. Ever. As long as you're okay, and we're together. Even in the same town. If you want to go to a hotel, I'll take you to one. And I'll sneak away from Mom and Carl every second that I can to see you. Or I'll sneak you in my room at night, to avoid seeing them and talking to them. Anything you want. It's our first Christmas together. Fuck everybody else. I'm mostly pushing you—or trying not to push, but mostly wanting this shit—for you. Because I want you to have Carl. That's all. I'll stop talking about it now."
I bring our hands up to my mouth and kiss his. "I love you, Mills."
"Forever?" he whispers.
"Yep. Like the little tat on my chest."
"You're not gonna leave again. Right?"
"Never." Part of me is sad he asked that question. But part of me loves it. I guess it's...something I can do. One of the onlythings, it feels like. "I'm not gonna leave you ever, Miller. Not for any fucking reason. My mom can fuck herself.” I’ll go to fucking jail for what I did to Paul before I’ll up and leave Mills again.