Page 106 of Wrath

I play “Hotel California” for him on the drive to school and say, “See you at lunch” as he gets out of the Jeep. Then I sit in it a few more minutes chewing Bubble Yum.

I don’t let myself think about the night before last in his bed.

It’s better to feel nothing for him. It was better when I was a fucking asshole.


Ezzie boy’s not sleeping. I’m pretty sure on Tuesday morning when I see his red eyes in the kitchen, but I’m positive on Wednesday when I go down to get breakfast. There are donuts on the kitchen island and the time stamped on the box’s top is 5:52, which means he got one of the first batches of the day. Ezra’s sitting at the table holding a book, looking more zonked than I’ve ever seen him, with one hand clutching the long flop of hair over his forehead as he peers down at the pages.

When he notices me, he looks up, lifting his brows. “Got some donuts.” His lips twitch like maybe he wants to smile, but tiredness drags at his face.

“Sweet. Thanks.”

The box reveals that only one donut is missing; I spot it in front of him on a plate. So, he hasn’t eaten it yet.

I watch as he ruffles his hair, blows a breath out. He seems weary…or maybe grumpy. I decide to try to sort out which one.

“Whatcha reading?”

“The Fountainheadfor Ms. Karm. AP English,” he says.

Hearing the low rumble of his voice makes my throat seize up, but I somehow manage to speak normally. “You like it?”

“No,” he says.


“No.” He laughs, not looking back up. It’s a dry sound.

“What’s wrong with it?”

“Eat your donut, Miller.”

I laugh. “What? You eat yours.”

“I don’t want it.”

“Why’d you get them if you didn’t want to eat a donut?”

“Well, we’re out of eggs and waffles. Your mom told me I should go to the store the other day, and I didn’t.”

“Neither did I.”

“You can’t drive,” he points out.

“I have legs.”

“The store’s a mile away.”


Ezra rolls his eyes. “Eat your donut.”

I make a face at him. “You’re not my dad.”

He snorts. “Would your dad tell you to skip breakfast?”

“Why don’t you like it?” I’m talking about the book. Just being annoying, really.