She laughs and pulls me down on the bed, her mouth finding mine again for a long moment. Eventually, she pulls back, but only slightly, “How can I return the favor, Zander Lamar?” she asks, her nose touching mine.
“You don’t have to–” I start only to have her put a finger to my lips.
“Use me, Zander. I’m yours,” she whispers, repeating my words back to me.
I roll her over and settle between her legs. She spreads them wide for me without saying a word and watches as I survey her naked body. I must stare too long because she wiggles her bottom.
“Come on, Zander, you’ve been in there before. It doesn’t have teeth.”
I shake my head. “I don’t even know what to say to that.”
She laughs and tugs me where she wants me, pulling me down so I have to brace myself on either side of her head.
“No locking. I plan on wearing you out tonight,” she says with a grin.
I snort and begin to move, all mention of teeth leaving my brain as she opens up wider for me, her nails scratching gently down my spine as she whispers encouragement in my ear, running her tongue down my throat when I come within reach.
My body moves from slow and steady to fast anderratic so quickly I’m glad she got off first. The orgasm that was so close, then gone just moments before, pulses forth so quickly that I barely have enough time to pull out just quickly enough not to lock. She runs her soft hands soothingly down my back as I catch my breath, my cock still pulsing as it fills her.
“I’m sorry that was so fast.”
She shakes her head. “No need for that. No man that makes sure I cum first has to apologize for that.”
I laugh and kiss her before falling to her side. “Do you want me to bring you a washcloth, or would you like to hit the bathroom?”
She kisses me back quickly, then sits up. “Bathroom, please.”
I point out the door she needs, then head to the kitchen to wipe up, and grab us bottles of water. She’s already stepping out of the bathroom when I make it back to bed. Her face lights up at the bottle. “You brought me water?” She takes it from me and gulps it down without taking a breath.
“No one’s ever brought me water after sex.”
I laugh. “The bar is low, then.”
“It’s literally in hell.” She chuckles. “So now that you’re hydrated…could we try out that knot of yours?”
Chapter Six
In Which We Experience the Lock in All of Its Intricacies
Ican’t help but grin. “So you like my knot?”
She runs a hand down my arm until she’s caught my hand and pulls me back to the bed. “Now that I’ve seen a knot firsthand, I can definitely see the advantages.”
“You sure you’re okay with being that close to me for an hour? You’re not claustrophobic are you?”
She shakes her head. “Do you snore?”
“An hour after sex, we’ll both be passed out. But the person who falls asleep second has to sit awake and listen to the other person snoring.”
“What if,” I tell her as I climb on top of her again, “I promise to stay awake until you fall asleep?”
“You would do that?” she asks, amusement in her voice.
“I told you,” I tell her as I push my cock back into her, slowly this time. “I’ll take care of everything. Well, everything you’ll let me take care of.”
She sighs as I fill her entirely.