Page 6 of Small Town Girl

She laughs. I pull out my phone and dial Zane’s number. He answers after what feels like the millionth ring.

“What?” he demands grumpily. I totally interrupted one of his two-hour phone calls with his girlfriend. “Hey, Gremlin, get off the phone with your girlfriend. It’s time to close up.”

“Seriously?” his voice picks up.

“Yeah, get in here, and sweep and mop so we can go home.”

“Moving,” he says cheerfully, cutting off the call abruptly.

“Gremlin?” Nollaig asks.

I shrug. “He’s the baby, and it helps keep him in line. You’ll see. He’s eighteen but thinks he’s twenty-eight.”

The door behind the stage opens, and Zane appears. He slips his phone in his pocket and heads toward the bar. His eyes fall on Nollaig instantly. “You need me to call a ride for you?” he asks her.

I shake my head before she can answer. “She’s good. Get your closing stuff done while I clean up and count the till so we can get out of here.”

His eyes fall on her again, and I feel a growl rise in my chest. “Zane, hurry up,” I grumble at him.

“Damn, sorry. I’m moving.”

Nollaig chuckles as he walks away. “Was that a growl?”

For a moment, I think about denying it but then change my mind. “Yes, sorry. It comes more naturallyin this form.”

She shakes her head and smiles. “Never apologize for who you are, Zander. It’s kind of cute.”

“My growl…is cute?”

She laughs. “Was that the wrong thing to say? Sorry, hold on, I’ll fix it.” She clears her throat. “You have a very manly growl, Zander.”

Her eyes sparkle at her own joke, and I can’t help but smile back at her. “Better,” I tease.

I finish up behind the bar and start counting the till. There’s hardly anything tonight. I stuff it in the bank bag we keep in the drawer and turn to head back to Randy’s office. “I’ve got to lock this in the safe. Will you still be here when I get back?”

She studies me for a moment. “Do you want me to be here when you get back?”

“Definitely,” I tell her.

Her eyes meet mine and something changes in her expression. “Alright, I’ll wait for you outside.”

I couldn’t tell you how I know, but suddenly I’m convinced that this night is going to end well for the both of us.

Chapter Five

In Which Things Go Very Well for Everyone

When I finally finish closing up for the night, I find Nollaig outside as promised, surrounded by Black Raven County’s resident roaming pig family—Porshetta; her giant baby, Frigg; and their rescue pig, Chad. Nollaig kneels on the sidewalk, face-to-face with Porshetta, eyes locked as if they’re having a silent conversation.

She doesn’t look my way as I walk toward them, so I clear my throat and shuffle my feet as I approach. Instead of looking up, she holds up her index finger. I stand quietly to the side, waiting.

“That’s an intense staring contest you’ve got going on there,” I tease when she finally turns away from Porshetta and meets my eyes.

Nollaig smiles, caresses the pig’s face, then stands. “We’ve just been having a little conversation.”

“Really? Whatdid she say?”

“She’s in love.”