Page 54 of This Frozen Heart

Kay lifts his chin as I suck in my breath. “I accept those terms, your Majesty.”

“Then solve my riddle, little soldier boy. These two soul songs are fueled by passion strong. But what has love that hate does not?”

Kay glances back at me, the smallest of smiles on his lips and no hint of uncertainty. “Eternity.”

The Snow Queen sighs. “You are correct. Now begone— both of you. Only the suffering may seek solace here, and you are not in pain. Leave before your joy sickens me.”

“I suffer without you!” Prince calls.

A gust of wind blows at him alone, and if it weren’t for Smalls’ grip, I fear he would go flying off the mountain.

“Then suffer,” the Snow Queen hisses, her gaze falling on Smalls next. “You owe me a debt as well, but you can repay it by removing him from my mountain.” With that, she dramatically turns and flies back into her palace, the ice doors sealing shut behind her.

For a moment, we all stand frozen in shock. It is like we were caught in a blizzard, but it ended after mere moments. The wrath we were spared from suffering could have been catastrophic.

Suddenly, Wolf trots around the corner of the palace in her mortal form without a tear in her clothing. “What are you all still doing? The Snow Queen is rarely merciful! Let’s not spit in her face.”

Smalls releases me, grips Prince, and turns them both toward the stairs.

“My Queen!” Prince cries pitifully until Smalls slaps a hand over his mouth.

Wolf frowns. “I know it was just a speculation before, but Prince is most certainly cursed.”

“So, it would seem . . .” But I only have a moment to think upon such things before Kay turns to me, still grinning.

He squeezes my hand. “What an excellent bargain, lassie. A blanket, a bowl of sou[, and that lovely gown you’re wearing all for a dayof servitude and ariddle.”

“And true love’s kiss.” I feel my cheeks flush against the chilly wind. “But I actually hate this dress, so I’m not sure it was such a good bargain after all.”

Kay tugs me close so he can wrap an arm around me, his gaze warming me more than my coat ever could. “I happen to think you look quite fetching in that gown. Certainly worth the kiss.”

Smalls clears his throat as he reaches the stairs.

Wolf trots past us. “Smalls is right— you can cast each other longing looks at thebottomof the mountain.”

Nodding, Kay and I turn to follow just as our way is blocked by a man coming up the mountain.

Biggs glances between all of us, the spare rope still coiled around his arm. “Is anyone else coming?”

Chapter Twenty-Eight


No one bothers to speak until we’re about halfway down the mountain and have gathered all our supplies again. It takes most of the rest of our descent to fill Biggs in on everything he missed— at least from Smalls’, Wolf’s, and my points of view. Prince says nothing at all as he gazes sadly back up the mountain.

And with every step we take, Kay and I keep a hold of each other’s hands. I’m not sure what comes next for true loves who are on opposite sides of a war— even if it is one that announced a ceasefire years ago. But I do know that I will relish every moment we have from now until next we must oppose each other.

Though, mayhap, I will enjoy those moments a little more after I finally have a chance to rest from all these adventures.

It is a testament to all of our exhaustion for how long it takes us to hear the clang of armor and smell smoke from torches burning against the growing dusk until we reach the base of the mountain.

“Soldiers,” I whisper when I see movement from the corner of my eye and what looks like the flash of torches. “Imperians!”

Immediately, we are all on the ground. Well, everyone except Kay.

I tug his hand and he drops to the snow next to me, but too late to avoid detection.

“Over there!” a man yells, and then boots are stomping toward us.