“Speak for yourself.” He drew her hand toward him. “Come here.”
She rose from her chair, and he tugged her onto his lap. He liked her closer. She smiled and looped her arms about his neck. He liked how she fit against him.
“You smell like peaches and cinnamon,” he said.
“Probably Austin’s pie. You smell the same.”
“Hmm. Have you thought about my question from earlier?”
She tilted her head. “About dating? That one?”
Lori traced her fingers over his shoulder, then down his arm. His skin heated at her touch. “I just worry about how long you’ll be in Everly Falls.”
Malcom blinked. Had he not made it clear? He was here to stay—if that was all right with her. “I don’t have plans to go anywhere else. Unless you kick me out.”
The edges of her mouth turned up. “As if . . .”
“So . . . is that a yes?”
Her shoulders shifted as she edged closer. “It’s a yes.”
“I think that’s the best news I’ve heard all day.”
“That wasn’t hard to do considering the day you’ve had.”
He chuckled, then kissed her softly, slowly. When she angled her mouth against his, he took it deeper, breathing in peaches and cinnamon. He really needed to get that pie recipe from Austin.
His heart was thudding loud enough that Lori could probably hear it. “I’m really glad you said yes,” he murmured against her mouth.
She smiled and tightened her hold on him.
When his phone rang, he ignored it at first, then realized it was probably important. Maybe even the police.
He drew away from Lori and reached for it.
She moved off his lap as he answered. “Bill Jennings, how are you?” he asked. Bill ran Jennings Carpets and he’d been interested in investing.
“Hi, Malcom,” Bill said through the phone. “I saw police cars at the building lot tonight—is everything all right?”
“My trailer was ransacked,” Malcom said. “Got my laptop stolen, and I’ve been busy changing all the passwords.”
“Oh boy, that’s terrible,” Bill said. “Any idea who broke in?”
“I don’t, but the police are working on it.” Malcom glanced over at Lori. “I’ll be sticking around in Everly Falls though, so I’m finding a more permanent place tomorrow anyway. One with better security.”
“There’s a basement apartment for rent in my neighborhood,” Bill said. “If you’re interested?”
“Sure, send along the address,” he said. “I’ll check it out.”
“Are you still looking to take over the condo project?”
Malcom straightened at this. “Yes, definitely. I’m meeting with the bank as soon as I have the investors lined up.”
Bill cleared his throat. “Well, I’m calling to tell you that I’m in. I’d like to invest. I went over this with my wife, and she’s excited as well.”
Malcom fist-pumped the air. “Excellent. That’s great news. When you have a chance, just sign and send over the agreement I gave you. I’m very much looking forward to working with you.”