Page 34 of Just Add Mistletoe

Malcom’s shoulders sagged. “At least three years—which is what I gave to Brandy. We’ve only been in business for six, and despite this terrible news, I’d hate to think it’s been going on the whole time.”

“What are you going to do?” Lori asked. “I mean, what are you going to tell your brother?”

“I don’t know.” Malcom rubbed a hand down his face. “I hope he’ll confess if it was him. I hope it’s not him, of course. But I hope more lies don’t happen.” He folded his arms and focused on Lori. “I’ve been wanting to get out on my own anyway, like I told you, but I feel like I need to do it now.”

Her brows lifted. “Like today?”

“This week at least.”

She nodded. “You could set up an LLC online. Put in your resignation to your brother. Then get your name taken off of everything with him.”

“Yeah.” He googled small-business licenses and had just pulled up the online application when his phone rang. He froze when he saw it was Bronson.

“I can give you some privacy,” Lori said, standing to leave.

“You can stay,” Malcom said, picking up his phone. “Hey, Bronson, where are you? We need to meet.”

Bronson’s voice came through tinny. “No can do. I’m at the golf tournament, remember?”

Malcom remembered now. It was a two-day charity golf tournament that Bronson and Penny played in every year. It was usually toward the end of October, but this was the first year the second day would be on Halloween itself. It also meant that Bronson wouldn’t be back in town until tomorrow night.He didn’t want to bring up the financial stuff when Bronson was with Penny. They might team up and put together more lies.

“All right,” Malcom said. “When do you get back home? We need to meet sooner than later.”

“I’ll be back around six o’clock tomorrow,” Bronson said. “What’s going on, man? What’s the rush?”

“It can keep until tomorrow,” Malcom said, trying to keep his voice nonchalant. “Have a good tournament.” Then he hung up and looked over at Lori. He told her about the golf.

She nodded. “Kari doesn’t play?”

He paused at this. “She does, but she doesn’t like to compete.”

Lori rubbed her hands over her knees. “Hey, if you need to cancel tonight, I'll understand.”

The fact that she offered was sweet, but he didn’t want to be alone with his circling thoughts tonight. “I think the distraction will be good for me.”

THEDRACULAMOVIE WAS NEARLY over, and Malcolm’s arm had been pressed against Lori’s the whole time. She was pretty sure he didn’t even realize it. And she also didn’t think he was paying much attention to the movie. Oh, his eyes were open and on the screen, but he hadn’t reacted to much of what was going on. Not that she could blame him, because he had a lot on his mind.

She’d wondered if he’d hold her hand again, but he hadn’t. They had both once again reiterated that they were only hanging out as friends, so then why was her pulse jumping around at the slightest contact with him? He also smelled great—a subtle cologne and something like outdoorsy pine.

He wasn’t wearing his standard ball cap and T-shirt and jeans, but instead wore navy slacks and a light-brown sweater, which made the gold in his hazel eyes seem to pop out. And she was pretty sure he hadn’t shaved for a few days.

As the closing credits ran, Malcolm didn’t make any move to leave. Which was fine with Lori, since she usually liked to read the credits. Not that she would recognize names, like Everly might. But it was interesting to see the scope of the numerous people who had a hand in creating a film.

She also didn’t want to move for a minute, because she was kind of full from eating so much popcorn. It was Malcolm’s fault, because he barely ate any, so Lori felt like she didn’t want it to go to waste.

After the theater had emptied of everyone else, Malcolm shifted and looked over at her. “What did you think?” he asked. “Was it as good as you remembered it?”

“I loved it,” Lori said. “But I think I was paying more attention to you than actually watching it.”

His brows lifted. “Sorry about that. Was I distracting you?”

“You were.” She squeezed his arm, then withdrew her hand. “I’m sorry you’re dealing with so much. Maybe we should have gone on a run or something. Burned off your frustration.”

“Do you run?” Curiosity entered his voice.

“No, but I’ve seen you out running.” It might be a little embarrassing to admit, but ifDraculacouldn’t distract him, what could? “I mean, if you do want to go running, I can cheer you on.”

Malcom smiled—probably his first genuine smile of the night. “Come on. Let’s get out of here. I think we need a real meal somewhere.”