Worried she’d launch into another threesome-ghostly-porn speech, I shook my head. “Already covered it, love. Come on.” Wrapping my hand around hers I led the way to our bedrooms in long strides. She kept up with me as I turned into our corridor the floor above, and I stopped. “Your pick.”

She nibbled her lip. “Mine.”

Letting out a pensive breath, I followed her into her room, kicking off my shoes as I entered. She shut the door as I knelt at the small fireplace, setting it up and not stopping until a small blaze took the edge off the icy air that seemed to seep through the ancient stones and the more recent gaps between them.

Satisfied with my efforts, I turned around and found Lindy naked on her bed. One leg crossed in front of her, her arms wrapped loosely around her ankles. Her wild spiral curls frizzed about her like their own blanket as I walked toward her, barely able to breathe as I drank in her tiny form, so vulnerable before me.

She was smaller than I’d imagined, even having seen her naked from the waist up earlier. The memory of her orgasm just from nipple play shattered me and I was on her with a growl, cupping her chin and halting a breath from her mouth.

“I want to fuck you into this bed until the snow stops falling, you know that?” I demanded, my lips grazing her mouth with every word.

Her eyes widened in the flickering firelight, the only glow in the room that cast dancing, elongated shadows around us.

“That could be days,” she whispered back, even though there was no one else around to hear us.

“And I’d spend every moment of them pressed skin to skin with you,” I traced my mouth over hers like I had that first day.

Her breath stuttered before she tipped her head back. Those soft, already swollen lips parted, inviting me in. I groaned as I tasted her, swiping my tongue across hers and demanding more. That she opened wider for me, allowing me to push her back onto the bed.

She scrabbled at the covers with the back of one hand. I cursed, gripping the lot. Lifting her in one arm I pulled everything back. Her legs looped around my waist as she clung to me, giving me every inch of her trust.

“So good for me. So beautiful,” I praised her. My heart beat an irregular, too fast rhythm against my ribcage, threatening to burst free as I laid her back onto the bed and pulled the covers up around her. “Gonna let me worship you like I promised?”

“Uh huh,” she whispered back, dark patches staining her cheeks.

She didn’t have to say another word to tell me what sort of lover the previous boyfriend had been—a shit one who cared more for his own needs than hers. That changed tonight.

“Covin,” she moaned as my hands roamed her body.

I took plenty of time acquainting myself with the feel of her, how each curve sat in my palm, what her body felt like and how she reacted when I squeezed or licked or nibbled on her.

There was no rush no matter how much I needed to throw her back and bury myself in her heat, knowing how damn good she’d feel. This was new for both of us, and for her it was groundbreaking. I slithered down her body, throwing one of her legs over my shoulder. Gripping a handful of blankets, I tossed them up to her.

“Don't freeze up there,” I warned.

She whimpered as I licked her from taint to clit then went back to her entrance, soothing her swollen flesh where sheached, her flesh already slick with need and desire. Her sweet taste glided over my tongue like silk. I dug my fingers into her ass cheeks, molding my hands to her flesh as I licked her.

Knowing she ached for this as much as I did drove my arousal but sated it too. I would lick her all night if that’s what she needed to accept me.

One hand curled languorously in my hair. She tugged gently on the strands as I teased her. “Come back up here,” she begged softly.

I looked up at her across the soft curve of her stomach. “If you’re still talking, I’m doing it wrong,” I said with a smile. My next lick wasn’t so sweet and her eyes fluttered closed.

Fucking bingo.

Nibbling around her clit I set a faster tempo designed to make her come, but not too hard or too fast. Her nails scratched my scalp as her thighs squeezed around my shoulders, tightening against my neck.

I nodded between licks. “That’s it, give me everything,” I encouraged her, knowing when she came it would be big from the tremors trembling the inside of her thighs.

“Please,” she chanted, raising her pelvis to meet my tongue. “Please, Covin?—”

I sucked her clit into my mouth, flicking the tight nerve bundle with my tongue fast, over again.

She screamed as she came, a rush of sweet, salty fluid coating my lips.

“Christ, that was beautiful,” I murmured, licking up her mess, and kissing her thighs as I rose over her.

Lindy trembled all over, falling apart like she had before. I gathered her against me as she gasped, still shaking.