Teddy laughs, clearly enjoying the teasing a little too much. “Yeah, yeah. Sure. Keep telling yourself that.”

Atlas clenches his jaw and shoots them both a deadly glare.

I step in. “That’s enough.” My voice is firm, and I plant my hands on my hips, giving Teddy and Key my bestmom voice, which, to my surprise, actually works. They stop laughing and look at me, wide-eyed. “You two should be ashamed of yourselves. Atlas just shared something beautiful, something that he’s clearly nervous about, and all you can do is mock him?”

Teddy opens his mouth to protest, but I cut him off with a sharp look. “No. I don’t want to hear it. You two have officially lost bed privileges for the night.”

Key’s jaw drops. “Wait, what?”

I cross my arms over my chest, glaring at both of them. “You heard me. Neither of you is sleeping in my bed tonight. You can take the couch. Or the floor. I don’t care. But you’re not sharing my bed after behaving like a couple of immature buttheads.”

Teddy stares at me, mouth opening and closing like a fish. “But, Grace-”

“Nobuts,” I say, cutting him off with a stern finger pointed his way. “You need to learn some respect. Atlas just poured his heart into that song, and instead of supporting him, you two turned it into a joke.”

Key, ever the charmer, gives me his best puppy-dog eyes. “Come on, Sugar, we were just having a little fun.”

I raise an eyebrow, unimpressed. “Oh, were you? Well, now you can have fun on the couch.”

Teddy narrows his eyes, clearly not used to being grounded like a misbehaving child. “This is cruel and unusual punishment.”

“You know what’s cruel?” I ask, my voice dripping with sarcasm. “Being rude to friends–family.”

Atlas, who’s been silently watching the whole exchange, crosses his arms and leans back against the wall, looking like he’s enjoying this way more than he’s letting on. “She’s right. Take your punishment like a man.”

I give him a triumphant smile. “Thank you, Atlas. At least someone around here appreciates good behavior.”

Key groans dramatically, throwing himself down on the couch like he’s just been sentenced to life in prison. “Fine. But I just want it on the record that we’re being unjustly punished.”

I walk over and ruffle his hair, making him scowl. “Not unjustly. You deserve every minute of it.”

Teddy sighs, muttering under his breath as he stalks toward the couch. “This is ridiculous. Grounded from bed…I’m a grown ass man.”

I stifle a giggle, knowing full well they’re both sulking like children, but they’ll get over it. Teddy flops down next to Key, and they both sit there, arms crossed, glaring at me like I’m some kind of tyrant. I put my hands on my hips and turn backtoward Atlas, who’s watching the whole thing unfold with an amused smirk.

“Well,” I say, feeling a little smug. “I guess it’s just you and me tonight, Atlas.”

Key’s head snaps up. “Wait, what?”

I bite back a laugh. “Oh, did you not put two and two together, Key? With you two grounded, that means it’s just me and Attie.”

Teddy and Key both groan in unison, but I ignore them, turning to Atlas with a wink. “How’s that sound to you?”

Atlas just shrugs, but there’s a glint in his eye that tells me he’s more than a little pleased. “Sounds good to me.”

“Traitor,” Teddy mutters from the couch, and I snicker under my breath.

Key groans dramatically, throwing his arm over his eyes. “I can’t believe this. Banished to the couch like some kind of peasant. He even let her usethenickname!”

I cross my arms and tilt my head at him, feigning sympathy. “Maybe next time you’ll think twice before mocking someone’s musical talents.”

Teddy sighs, looking defeated. “Lesson learned. Atlas, my man, you…uhh…sounded good and shit.”

“The voice of an angel,” Key adds, before rolling his eyes and muttering under his breath, “Or like the voice of our downfall.”

“It’s too late for all that,” I say with a grin, ignoring his muttering. “but that’s definitely more like it.”

Atlas, still leaning against the wall, watches me with a quiet intensity that makes my heart race. There’s something about the way he looks at me, like he’s seeing right through all the teasing and jokes, straight into my soul. I can feel the warmth of his gaze, and suddenly, the room feels a lot hotter.