The snow starts coming down thick and fast as we get further north, big fluffy flakes coating the windshield. I flick onthe wipers, craning my neck, trying to take in the picturesque mountain views in between swipes.

"Gorgeous, isn't it?" I gush. "Just imagine how beautiful it'll be from the cabin!"

"Mmhmm," Jason mumbles, not even opening his eyes.

I reach over and give his leg a little shake. "Hey, no sleeping, mister. I need help navigating."

Jason cracks one eye open. "Just use the GPS on your phone."

"But we always end up fighting over directions," I say with a playful pout. "Come on, keep me company. We can play I Spy or Twenty Questions!"

Jason just shrugs, closing his eyes again. "You know I hate road trip games."

I sigh, my upbeat energy deflating. I focus on the road, listening to the radio as Jason's soft snores fill the car. The miles tick by, and the snow falls a little heavier.

Glancing at the clock, I realize we've been driving for six hours already. I'm stiff and hungry, though I don't want to stop yet. This trip isn't turning out anything like I imagined. I pictured Jason and I laughing, holding hands, and singing along to music. Instead he’s dead asleep while I white-knuckle it through this blizzard alone.

As the sun sets, the snow swirls thicker, limiting visibility. I squint at the road, wipers working overtime to clear the windshield. My stomach rumbles louder and I wish I'd taken time to get food at the last gas stop.

Up ahead, I spot a glowing sign for a twenty-four-hour diner at the next exit. Salvation!

I shake Jason's shoulder, earning a grumpy grunt in response. "I'm starving. We need to get food."

"Can't you just power through?" He mumbles, not even opening his eyes.

"I've been driving for over six hours. We need to eat and rest, or I'm liable to drive us into a ditch."

Jason heaves a dramatic sigh. “Fine, make it quick."

I exit and find the diner, sighing in relief as warmth washes over me. Sliding into a vinyl booth, I order the biggest burger on the menu.

Jason picks at a sad looking salad, making a face. "I forgot how gross roadside food is. Their lettuce is wilted."

I bite my tongue, focusing on my delicious burger and fries instead of his complaints.

When we get back on the road, I turn up the music, determined to stay upbeat. The endless snow has turned the highway into a slippery mess, but I keep steady, comforted by the thought of sinking into a warm, cozy cabin soon.

Beside me, Jason snores away once again, oblivious to my tension and frazzled nerves. I sigh, shaking my head. Just hold on a few more hours, I tell myself.

This will bring us back together. It has to.

Chapter Two

Hours pass until eventually we reach a long winding mountain road that seems to go on forever. After over fifteen grueling hours behind the wheel, with Jason sleeping the entire time, I'm starting to worry we're lost. But finally, we round a bend, and the cabin comes into view.

"We're here!" I squeeze Jason's leg excitedly, and he jerks awake with a grunt.

My jaw drops as I take in the sprawling luxury cabin nestled amongst the snowy evergreens. I knew from the brochure it would be fancy, but not like this. The outside features soaring A-frame architecture with massive windows and an expansive deck.

I park and rush inside, flipping on lights and twirling around what looks like a great room straight out of Architectural Digest. Vaulted ceilings tower over us with criss-crossed log beams. The whole back wall is floor-to-ceiling windows looking out on the moonlit mountainside.

To the right is a gourmet chef's kitchen bigger than our apartment back home. It has a double fridge, two ovens, and more gadgets than I even know the use for.

I dart left, flipping on more lights to reveal a giant two-story living room with a soaring stone fireplace and plush leather furniture. "This is incredible!" I cry, flopping onto a couch so comfortable I feel like I'm floating on a cloud.

Laying there, gazing up at the ceiling with a smile on my face, I lament having to leave the couch’s cozy confines. Alas, the need to see the rest of the place urges me on. I explore further, finding a game room, home theater, and even an indoor lap pool that looks tempting after being cooped up in the car all day.

Upstairs are two massive bedrooms; each with unnaturally–and probably specially made–large beds, ensuite bathrooms, and balconies looking out over the pine trees. I claim the bigger suite for Jason and I, with dual walk-in closets and a tub big enough for five people.