"They live in Pittsburgh, and there is no way that they could be dealing with dark magic in Pittsburgh and go unnoticed. Master Hadden has skilled people everywhere, and they eliminate all threats no matter how small."

"The Palmer family does not live in Pittsburgh. They live in a suburb called McCandless, a town about twenty miles to the west. The remains of the cougars were found in a ravine just outside of McCandless." This was looking very bad.

“Has the dark magic been identified?”

“It’s not the same as what infected the forest it is a different strain and thankfully less potent but still dangerous.” Saphir agreed all dark magic was dangerous and the practitioners rarely understood the full weight of what they were getting involved with.

“Do you have a location for John Palmer and is he the only member of the family involved. It is my understanding that Ally had brothers.” Saphir enquired.

"I don't know if anyone else is implicated, and we have not located John Palmer yet."

"Give the report to Bazil and meet me at the south portico in one hour," Saphir instructed.

“Are we going after this guy?” Roan cocked an eyebrow.

“We’re going after this guy.” Saphir wasn’t going to abide anyone threatening his mate.

“I’ll meet you in one-hour Saphir.” Roan stated as he headed out of the room and then turned back. “Congratulations Saphir.” He smiled warmly.


Saphir spoke briefly with the agents searching for Palmer and got an idea of where he may be hiding out. He was also informed that it looked like the entire family was involved and not just John. He was the source of the dark magic, but theothers were practicing under him and that included Ally who used it to further her career.

His sweet, innocent mate got out in the nick of time. There is no telling what that group would have made him suffer. The mere thought made his stomach tighten with unease. His mate would have been put through hell, and that was probably their goal.

Ashton would have never gone along with whatever darkness they were dabbling in, so his presence was for another purpose. If he kept thinking about it, he would end up in a full-on rage, so he tamped it down for later when he had more information. His mate didn’t need to see him in such a state.

He entered the apartment and saw Ashton seated on the edge of his brother’s bed. Will was sitting up and they were talking and smiling, and they seemed happy and at ease and he was loath to kill that vibe, but he had to tell them the truth. Saphir loved the way Ashton lit up when he entered the bedroom and came to stand beside him. “Hello sweetheart.” He said and dropped a quick kiss to his upturned lips.

“I glad you’re back.” Ashton remained seated and kept glancing up at him and the expressions were priceless. If it were possible Saphir would take him back to his quarters and finish this day out in bed but there were things to attend to first and then all his time would belong to Ashton.

Will did not speak but he was looking Saphir over in a way that was signaling judgement to come but all he did was smile softly and then looked at his brother. He was happy for Ashton, and he also seemed relieved. Saphir found that touching and his regard for Will increased.

"I have some unpleasant news to share with you both." He cut to the point, and both men instantly gave him their fullattention. "The men who set the traps have been found. They were cougar shifters hired to kill you, Ashton, and were ordered to make it look like an accident."

“They were cougar shifters.” Will caught the past tense and questioned.

“They’re both dead probably because they fucked it up so badly and, in the end, caught you instead of Ashton." Saphir clarified. Ashton looked stunned, even though he told Saphir that he had a gut feeling the traps had been set for him.

"Who?" It was almost a whisper, and Ashton waited. Saphir put his arm around him and pulled him close.

"John Palmer hired the cougars and, I'm assuming, had them killed."

“Ally’s father?” Ashton burst with eyes wide.

"I knew that guy was bad news." Will pipped in. "He always looked shifty, like he was planning something no one was aware of, and it excited him. Always unsettled me when I was around him."

“And for good reason.” Saphir cut in. “He’s also involved with dark magic. The remains of the cougars were covered in it.” He then looked at Ashton pointedly. “His family is also involved with it in varying degrees.”

“Ally tried to have Ashton killed?” Will’s voice kept rising with each word, and he sat up straighter, reached for Ashton's hand, and held it.

"They're all involved with the dark magic. John is the leader or the source, and the family members bleed their magic off of him. They may use it for a variety of things such as attractiveness, career, health, wealth, power, you name it. Johnbartered for the power, and he controls it. The others barter with him."

“This sounds really creepy.” Ashton leaned into him but also held tight to Will’s hand. “What about Will?”

“He wasn’t the target, but they didn’t care who got hurt as long as you were killed. Collateral damage meant nothing to them.”

"Why, why the fuck would they want to kill me? I broke off the engagement and canceled the wedding, but do you really kill somebody for that." He laid his head on Saphir's chest. He could feel Ashton's upset, and he held him close, channeling comfort and safety into his mind and emotions.