"He's not a bad guy, and he seems sincere when he says he wants to help."

"I trust your judgment on that, but still, I'd rather not stay too long. A couple of days, and then let's go home. I don't want to risk getting on the wrong side of these people." Ashton understood his brother's uncertainty because, until speaking with Saphir, he'd felt the same way.

“Do you need anything?” He asked Will who assured him he was fine and just wanted to sleep. “Well then you sleep, and I’m going to the other bedroom and rest a while but if you need me just call out and I’ll hear you.”

“I’ll be fine besides the medic that was in here earlier gave me a pager so I can reach her if I have any problems in the night.” He smiled and showed Ashton the black pager.

“Okay then it looks like you’re in good hands so I’m going to lay down for a while.” Ashton left and headed to the second bedroom just down the hall from Will’s. He hadn’t told Will howhe’d felt when with Saphir afraid that he would simply attribute it to the breakup of his relationship with Ally and seeking emotional support or something equally sad.

Will would have told him that he found the man too good looking and too perfect for it to be legitimate attraction and Ashton didn’t want to hear it. The sudden feelings he had for the dragon were something he had not expected but they weren’t made up or a figment of his overactive imagination or any desperate need for attention.

In his heart, the attraction he felt was real. He wanted to explore this feeling, not that he had ever thought for a moment that he would have a chance with someone like Saphir, but he wanted to try and understand it.

He slipped off his shoes and stripped down liking to sleep in the nude but keeping his pants close by in case he needed to get up and go fast. Ashton felt the weight of the last few days rolling off him as he relaxed and closed his eyes. The bed was large, and the blankets and pillows were lush it was a lovely comfort and he was soon fast asleep.

Saphir retired to his quarters for the rest of the night. He received a report on the brothers with Will doing as well as could be expected, but he needed to genuinely rest and relax. The attempt at going home and the exertion did him no favors and set back his recovery, but he asked them not to share that information with his mate.

Ashton took things very personally and the idea that his actions may have caused his brother distress would not set well with him. Will was back on track according to the doctor so there was no need to cause Ashton any upset.

He planned to take Bazil’s advice and talk to Ashton first thing in the morning. It was important that the truth be made clear and hopefully things would progress in a positive manner. There were still lingering worries, but he and his dragon would deal with those when and if the time came. A small, young fox and a centuries old dragon knight Fate definitely had a sense of humor not to mention the fact that the young fox was engaged to a woman just a few days ago.

Switching off his lamp, Saphir settled into bed and tried to sleep. Unfortunately, he couldn’t keep the image of Ashton out of his thoughts long enough to actually relax and fall asleep.

The young man was stunning that beautiful blonde hair would look so good fanned across Saphir’s pillow. His eyes intense and striking in aqua blue depths his heart was beating hard at the memory of his scent. That scent seemed to fill his lungs even now so familiar and so near.

Taking a deep breath, he felt the connection and the warmth fill his body. The scent of his mate brought his dragon forward and smoke began to waft from his nose and mouth. He sat up in bed and turned on the light and to his utter shock and delight a precious blonde fox stood in the doorway of his bedroom staring at him with want and desire. Ashton had sought him out or rather Ashton’s fox had sought out its dragon mate.

The little fox ran to the side of the bed, hopped up, and moved to snuggle at Saphir's side. He had no hesitancy in presenting himself to the dragon, and Saphir loved him for that. Saphir's dragon pushed forward again and reached out to tenderly smooth Ashton's fur with his large, scaled talon.

He ran the soft blonde fur through his sharp claws, and both saw and felt the pleasure beaming from the small shifter.The fox turned and rubbed his face against the rough scaled hand, and he looked at home, closing his eyes and scooting closer to Saphir's side. He was soon fast asleep in the dragon's arms. Saphir turned out the light and settled in, listening to the steady heartbeat of his little fox.

Morning was going to be interesting but at least the truth was out there now. Saphir dropped the cloak muting his scent and as soon as Ashton shifted he would recognize Saphir. His fox already accepted the connection and was eager to continue the bond and he hoped that Ashton felt the same way. Regardless, nothing would stop him from pursuing and claiming his rightful mate.


Ashton couldn’t believe how well he’d slept after tossing and turning but the bed proved to be just what he needed. He felt energized and ready to meet the day and whatever it would bring. He stretched and it was then he realized that he was not alone, and the shock had him recoiling.

"Oh my God." He stated in a panicked, tight whisper. His eyes were wide, his eyebrows were about to hit his hairline, and he did not know what the fuck he was going to do. His breath was caught in his throat, and he was on the verge of passing out when those eyes opened and trained on him.

They were dark with a sparkle that lit them up, and slowly, a smile formed on his face. This was Saphir, and Ashton had no idea how he ended up in bed with him. He took a quick glance around and recognized nothing. This was not the bedroom he had gone to sleep in the previous night.

"I am so sorry." He then looked down at himself, and his humiliation was complete. He was naked, totally, utterly naked, and he was in Saphir's bed. Looking across the room, he noticed a large window and contemplated throwing himself out of it, but then he heard the soft chuckle and felt a strong hand take his.

"You're fine, love." He said, reaching out with his other hand to pull Ashton closer, but Ashton froze, not sure how to handle what was happening. "Stop and take a breath. Take a long, deep breath, and it will answer all of your questions.”

Ashton took a long quivering breath and then he took another and then another. Understanding blossomed slowly as his head did not believe his heart for this could not be real. This was Saphir the Dragon Knight the dreaded warrior and second in command of the Allegheny Dragon Circle he couldn’t be Fate’s choice for a lowly fox shifter of no particular merit.

“I know you’re surprised but just take a moment and lean into it my love.” He was talking as if he were okay with this how could he be okay with a fox shifter when he was a magnificent dragon able to do anything and go anywhere. They were honored and revered and dragons were at the apex of shifter societies. He was making himself dizzy as he grappled with the facts.

“We’re mates.” He went ahead and said it and Saphir sat up and ran fingers down the side of Ashton’s face. The sensation of his touch was sending ripples of sensation racing through him. Ashton closed his eyes for a moment and forcefully swallowed a moan that nearly escaped.

“Yes, we are mates." Saphir's voice, low and sexy, ran over his flesh like a tantalizing breeze. "Your fox recognized me when we met yesterday and last night sought me out. I assume you fell asleep, and your fox took over and went in search of his dragon mate." Saphir was smiling and touching him like he was pleased, and Ashton didn't know what to make of it.

Ashton felt himself begin to calm down, and his panic slowly subsided, but the fact that he was naked still made him blush and attempt to cover himself with his hands. But Saphirinterrupted and gently pulled his shaking hands away and held them.

"You're gorgeous, my love. Please don't hide from me." His body was turning white hot under the appreciative stare of his Fated mate, and there was nothing he could do to slow it down or quell the outrageous urge to throw himself on Saphir and beg to be taken.

Ashton looked at Saphir, really looked at him because up until now he was avoiding eye contact due to the embarrassment flooding his mind. The more he looked the more he recognized him as his own and the more he wanted this man.