"Winston has hired some good people." He tried to defend him, but Winston was not known to go out of his way for anyone who wasn't him. The guy's self-serving behavior was legendary. Saphir did not respond to that but merely nodded absently, tucked the blanket in around Will, and adjusted his pillow.
"I'll call Dr. Flynn and have him check on Will to make sure he's okay." Saphir glanced back at Ashton as if asking permission, and Ashton nodded.
“Thank you.” Ashton said and walked up to the other side of the bed and looked down at his brother. Will really wasn’t looking good, and he should have taken better care of him. Saphir came up behind him and laid a hand on his shoulder.
“He’ll be alright he’s just weak don’t worry.” He went from accusatory to supportive and considerate and his touch was strangely soothing. Before Ashton could respond the doctor came in and took over checking Will but not waking him in the process.
It was obvious that Will was not well, and he should have noticed that before insisting that they leave. Will was on board with getting out of there, but he could have convinced him to stay, and he should have. It shouldn't have taken Saphir, the dreaded dragon, to get Ashton to do the right thing.
"Come with me." Saphir gently urged him out of the room and into the large living area of what appeared to be a private apartment. "A nurse will stay with you, brother." He told him and then added to Ashton's surprise. "I'd like to take you to dinner. I don't think you've been eating properly since your arrival. Will is in safe hands."
“I shouldn’t leave him.” Ashton was torn because he was quite hungry, but he also had a responsibility for his brother.
“He’s going to sleep, and he won’t be alone. Let me get you something to eat.” Saphir was being so nice that it was concerning but he decided to take him up on his offer.
“Okay.” He stepped back and stuck his hands in his pockets, not sure of what was going on and waited to follow but instead Saphir held out his hand beckoning Ashton to take it. Ashton hesitated for a moment and then took the offered hand. Saphir looked pleased and held his hand in a firm yet gentle embrace. Things were getting weirder by the minute.
They went to the dining room, but Saphir took him to a smaller side room. It had only about five tables and lots of space between each table setting. They were the only ones in there and it was also serviced by a waiter. The big room was a serve yourself buffet with mass seating, but this was cozy and private.
The waiter told them the special which was meatloaf, biscuits and vegetables and it sounded good to Ashton. Saphir added salad and dessert to their order along with red wine. “Do you drink wine Ashton?” He asked.
“Yes, I do, thank you.” He loved a nice glass of wine in the evening, and he could really use its relaxing properties right now.
"I'm sorry that you were given the impression that you were not welcome here," Saphir said while pouring them both a glass of wine. "There has been an upheaval in the forest and on the mountain these last few months, and it has taken a toll on everyone." Ashton took a sip of his wine and nodded, not sure what to say.
"Many shifter communities within our area were affected and fled to the mountain for protection." Saphir paused when their dinner arrived. Ashton was getting the impression that the dragons were getting tired of taking care of their neighbors. They began their dinner, and Saphir picked up where he'd left off.
"We gladly took them in, but now, with the aid of the Hadden Coven, we have dealt with the evil that had been invading our lands. The shifters who came to us are now returning to their territories and rebuilding their communities." Ashton felt a strange emptiness in the forest, and he mentioned that to Saphir.
“When an area is cleansed, it can leave a sense of void until life begins anew. It won't be long before things feel rightwith the shifters returning to the forest and living their lives." Saphir stopped and looked at Ashton pointedly.
“We thought the trouble was over but then you and your brother were targeted, and no one was ready for another go around of the evil we already vanquished. I’m sorry if some including myself were less than pleased with the situation and it had nothing to do with you or Will.” Ashton could understand but still it didn’t make him feel terribly welcome.
"I don't know who set those traps or why they decided to go after us. I saw the video, and I don't recognize them." Ashton focused on their issue and did not get into whatever the mood was with the dragons.
"Johan mentioned that you recently got out of a serious relationship." Saphir prompted, and Ashton saw no reason not to explain himself. He began with his reason for being in the forest, believing that was the beginning of his current situation.
"I came to the forest looking for my friend Harley, who I believed was hiking. I hurt his feelings badly, and I worried for him, so I wanted to apologize. Will came with me because he was worried about me." Ashton forced a smile and dropped his head for a moment before continuing. He had only explained himself to Will, so this was still very fresh.
“He’s safe he was found by Conrad Smith a Hadden soldier and also his beloved. It is my understanding that he went back to Pittsburgh with Conrad.” Ashton was shocked, speechless for a few seconds and he just stared at the big dragon.
“Harley has a beloved?”
“And he’s okay?”
"That's a relief," Ashton explained the issue with Harley. "I can't believe I turned my back on my best friend just to try and make her happy."
He noticed that every time he mentioned Ally or the wedding, Saphir got a rather intense look, which was a bit scary. "I called off the wedding when I realized how much I was being controlled and how much I did not love that girl. I should have ended things sooner, but I didn't. My dad, Will, and Harley all said it was a mistake, but I wasn’t listening.” He paused, realizing that he was jumping around and probably not making himself clear.
“When were you to be married?” His tone was tense, and Ashton didn’t understand why.
“When did you all it off?”