"I'll see what I can do." He headed to the south portico with the heavy thoughts of what Ashton had heard in the dining room that had caused him so much fear. The dragons were not threatening people, so why would he and Will believe they needed to leave immediately. It bothered him, and so did the fact that he spoke out against them more than once, and his desire to have them leave was made very clear. It was never his intention to terrorize them.
He saw them from a distance and instantly recognized the brothers. Will was larger and taller than his brother Ashton, but they were both smaller in stature than most other shifters. They were standing by the door, obviously anxious to get going. Will was leaning heavily on Ashton, who had his arm around him, steadying him as they waited.
They appeared so small and unassuming, and Saphir's need to have them leave seemed ridiculous. They weren't a bother, and they were in no one's way. Roan had often referred to him as an asshole when dealing with others, and today, at this moment, he really felt that the description fit. Whatever Ashton had heard in the dining room, it was his fault, and he accepted that.
Saphir stopped suddenly and took in the scene before him as a feeling and a rush of sensations cascaded along his flesh and stirred his dragon. The young men were causing this, no it was only one of them. Ashton his eyes locked onto the man the young fox and his dragon sprang forward, and his heart began to pound. Ashton Jennings was his mate. How could that be? He'sbeen in their home for over two days he should have scented him before now.
He thought back to his reaction when they first arrived and how he had to force himself to ignore them. At the time he attributed it to simple curiosity, but it was more than that. The desire to see them went deeper than that he had to constantly attack and criticize, which was him reacting to the natural urge to get closer. His dragon was picking up on the signs and the scents even though he wasn’t aware of it.
He took a deep breath to calm his dragon and get control of himself. Ashton will not recognize him due to the cloak that all the dragons were utilizing to mute their scent and the power of their presence. His fox may feel something and may react to Saphir's dragon. Saphir chose to keep the cloak in place until he had a chance to present himself and ease his mate's anxieties about dragons. He believed that coming at him as his mate would be too overwhelming.
His mate looked to be about five foot four perhaps, he was well built with light blond hair. He couldn’t see his eyes but with hair like that they would also be light. His aura was warm and pleasant although tension filled the air. His brother was taller but also had light blond hair.
They looked very much alike, but Ashton was definitely the more handsome of the two. With another deep cleansing breath, Saphir steeled his resolve and headed over to meet his mate. What a trippy day this had turned into was the prevailing thought as he came face to face with the amazing Ashton Jennings.
"Hello," Saphir stated as he walked up to stand before them. "Roan is going to be a few minutes, so why don't you sit." He indicated a bench about ten feet to their left. They lookedat him hesitantly and uncertainly. He reached his hand out to help steady Will, but the young man recoiled. It was a reaction he hadn't expected and was not accustomed to receiving. "You're safe, young one; do not fear." He stated, waiting for the fear that had spiked to ease off.
"I'm sorry," Will mumbled and leaned harder into Ashton. It appeared that Will recognized him, but Saphir could not remember ever meeting him.
"Nothing to be sorry for. Come and sit." He again tried to move them in the direction of the bench without getting too much into their personal space. Will had been the one to speak, but Ashton's side eye hit the hardest. He was distrusting and seemed offended. There was an insult there somewhere, but Saphir did not take it personal believing he deserved it for his previous unwelcoming behavior.
He could feel his mate’s hurt feelings and it was not pleasant his dragon wanted it dealt with immediately but that was impossible. They had a fair amount of road to travel before they would ever be at the point of discussing feelings. Saphir looked away and then back at them indicating they should sit before they fall down.
“How long will Roan be? How soon can we leave?” Ashton was still trying to balance Will leaning on him and remain on his feet and the exertions was showing.
“It may be a while.”
“We can’t stay.” He was adamant.
"You can stay there; there is no problem with you staying." Saphir made himself clear as he watched his mate try to remain standing.
"They want us out of here. Someone by the name of Saphir has demanded that we leave, and Will said that he has a lot of clout around here, so we would like to go." Saphir was shocked and shamed by this statement.
“I know for a fact that is not true.” He told them but Ashton was shaking his head.
“I heard them myself in the dining room.” He insisted. “We have to leave.”
"We have to leave." Will joined, but he was steadily losing consciousness.
“I am Saphir, and I assure you that you and your brother are welcome to remain as long as you please.” He probably said it harsher than needed but he wasn’t being heard. Ashton was losing his grip on Will who was losing consciousness so Saphir simply took Will from him and scooped him up into his arms. “You’re staying.” He said definitively and started walking away knowing full well that Ashton would follow.
Ashton did not know what to make of it but hurriedly followed them. Will was asleep and Saphir carried him like he weighed nothing. This was Saphir the dreaded second in command who hated outsiders he wasn’t what Ashton had expected. He was an incredibly handsome man tall like the others but with an added fierceness that shown through. Everyone wants their leader to be fierce and capable and Saphir was definitely both.
His hair was darker than Roan’s fiery red locks. It was an auburn, a dark auburn with streaks of jet black. It also held that shiny radiance that was common among all dragon shifters. There was something about this man that set him apart from all the others, and it wasn't just his size and strength. There was a feeling and intensity that kept his eyes on the man. He couldn't look away. Saphir's eyes, like Roan’s, were penetrating, but unlike Roan's, his were an emerald green that looked to be on fire, smoldering a dark fire.
Saphir veered to the left moving swiftly along the wide hall until he reached a set of doors and without stopping or slowing walked toward them and they automatically swung open. Ashton double stepped to catch up since his short legshad difficulty keeping up with the large dragon. Without a word Saphir brought Will to a bedroom and laid him out upon a large bed. He quickly slipped off Will’s shoes and covered him with a thick blanket.
He then turned to regard Ashton standing at the door. “He needs his rest, Ashton. He was critically ill, and he is still quite weak." Ashton felt the need to explain his own plan and ability to provide care for his brother since listening to this guy telling him he was incompetent was not going down well.
“I can take care of my brother.” He stated sharply and crossed his arms over his chest. “Will’s townhouse is only a mile away from the clinic. I would stay with him and if anything, more serious arose I would take him to the clinic.”
“You’d take a fox shifter to a local clinic?” Saphir retorted with a shake of his head.
"One of the clinicians is a shifter. Winston has several of his people at the clinic." He countered.
“You’re willing to put your brother’s life in the hands of Winston Garlock when you can stay here, and he will continue to receive the very best care available.” He was making sense, but Ashton was not fond of staying in the dragon’s den.