“It’s a number associated with an apartment complex Palmer owns.”
“Palmer called him.” Saphir’s tone was tight and heated.
“That would be my guess, yes.” Saphir did not hesitate he shifted and took to the sky’s not caring who may be watching. Roan followed cloaking them both from detection. Saphir could follow Ashton his scent was like a homing beacon for him and God help Palmer if he so much as lays a hand on the little fox.
Ashton made it out of the dragon’s magnificent castle like structure easer than he’d expected. There were groups of shifters heading out and he just fell into step with them and broke off once he was outside. Now he had to make it to the clearing before dark. He knew the way but had to hurry there was not much time.
He wasn’t stupid he knew the reason Palmer wanted him there was to kill him and probably his father too. He’d figuresomething out once he got there. Palmer wasn’t in good shape but the magics could make up for a lot of short comings. The more he thought the more he started to feel completely out of his depth but there was no turning back now.
Reaching behind his back he pulled a large butchers knife from his waist band. He found it in the kitchen of the apartment and thought it might come in handy. He wasn’t someone who dealt in weapons or had any use for them until now and the knife gave him a modicum of security. It was better than nothing.
He came to the edge of the clearing and kept down while scanning the area. He could see no one be he could feel a presence. It gave him the sense that someone was watching him, but he couldn’t smell fox. Palmer always carried a pungent an offensive odor of wet fox it was his signature scent.
He was either unaware of it, or he liked it because it never changed. Ashton took a deep breath and there in the light breeze was the faint odor. Palmer was somewhere close. He didn't scent his father, but Palmers odor could be masking it. Still there was something or someone else present and he didn’t know what to make of it. They weren’t with Palmer the essence came from behind and to his left.
Saphir received the message from Johan the second he landed in the forest, and he shared it with Roan. “I followed Ashton when he snuck out of the den. He hid himself among other shifters so no one would notice. He then took off into the forest. I’ll follow and report my findings.”
Saphir sent back a quick and crisp response. “Ashton is my mate follow him I think he is headed for trouble. Keep him safe. I’m on my way.”
“Will do.” Thank the heavens for Johan, he was thinking as he took to the skies once again with Roan by his side. His fear for his mate was piercing his rational mind, and he was having to hold his dragon back from letting him take care of the problem, which would likely leave a good share of the forest in flames. Focus, damn it, focus, he told himself as he flew low over the area and immediately scented both Johan and his precious mate.
Ashton saw the dragon overhead and knew in an instant that it was Saphir and probably Roan with him and it was one hell of a sight they were magnificent. He also knew that Palmer told him to bring no one with him or he’d kill his father and the fear of that happening shot through him.
He knew Palmer was standing out of sight just beyond the rocks on the edge of the river. He jumped to his feet and began running, not sure what he planned to do, but he had to get to his father and Palmer before he hurt him.
Panic had taken him, and he ran faster and faster, eating up the ground, desperate to get to him. "No, no, don't hurt him. I didn't tell anyone." He shouted as Palmer stepped out from behind one of the large rocks, but he didn't have Ashton's father with him. At that moment, his fear for his father and the thought that Palmer had killed him caused Ashton to let out a sharp, anguished scream. The dragon in the sky reacted immediately and soared toward the ground at an incredible speed.
Ashton reached out toward Palmer, who laughed, and, although he saw the advancing dragon in the sky, raised a golden dagger. "Your blood is all I need, Ashton. I've groomed you for this moment since the day I met you."
“My father, where is my father?”
“At home I assume having dinner with the family.” He laughed and made to strike Ashton, but the dragon swooped in knocking Palmer backward and off his feet for a moment. He struggled to his feet and raised his hand and began some chant, but the second dragon was there to grab him and raise him into the sky.
Ashton was shocked to see Johan rushing toward him then grabbed him by the shoulders and abruptly carry him away to the tree line. “What’s happening Johan?”
"Saphir and Roan are destroying that warlock and his magic." Ashton watched as Palmer was dropped from a great height and landed at the water's edge. His magic helped him survive, but not for long. Saphir plucked him from the ground and soared into the sky straight up above the clouds.
"I thought he had my father. He said he'd kill him if I didn't meet him." Ashton felt compelled to explain himself. "But my father is not here. He lied to get me out here. I'm such an idiot."
"Not an idiot. You just react to your emotions."
“That doesn’t sound much better than an idiot actually.” Ashton smiled when he heard Johan chuckle the man was a true stoic and laughter was out of character.
"Your instincts and impulses will get sharper the longer you live with dragons." Johan was very kind, and Ashton appreciated his warmth. They watched the dragons continue to hand off Palmer back and forth and drag him through the river at high speed until finally, Saphir ended him. Ashton looked away because even though Palmer had planned a very gruesome end for him, he had difficulty witnessing his demise.
The warlock had to be beaten down, his powers frayed, and his control broken before the host was killed; otherwise, the evil within him could survive and take hold of another willing host. Saphir dropped what remained of the warlock in the clearing, and together, he and Roan finished him with dragon fire. Nothing remained except a fine gray ash, which abruptly blew away.
Saphir turned and as he moved toward where Johan had taken Ashton he shifted back to his human form. His mate broke from Johan and ran to him, and it was the sweetest most loving gesture he could have bestowed upon him. Ashton jumped into his arms and held him. Saphir wrapped him in his arms and squeezed so relieved to have him there save and sound.
“Don’t ever do something so crazy ever again.” Saphir chastised.
"I thought he had my father. He said he'd kill him if I didn't meet him in the clearing. I panicked, but I brought this." Ashton reached behind him and pulled the butcher's knife from his waistband. Saphir cocked a sarcastic eyebrow and took the knife, and handed it off to Roan.
“I’m sorry to say that would not have saved you, my love."
“I could have inflicted a little damage before he killed me.” Ashton defended weakly.
"No more running off." He was fixed on that point. Seeing that dagger and knowing what that bastard warlock intended brought his dragon to the edge once again. "You are my mate and my life. Do not be so cavalier with your safety. Promise me, please."