Saphir had to admit that the urgency and pressure he felt was almost frenetic and he was unsure how long he could delay taking his mate and completing their bond. The little fox had made his delight and comfort clear but had not indicated yet if he were ready to complete their bond. He was still processing and Saphir was sure that Ashton’s fox would compel him to move faster, and he would be pushed beyond any hesitation he was feeling.
Ashton clung to him in his sleep, an action that spoke to the pull of destiny and his desire for his mate. All things looked encouraging, but Saphir would not be satisfied until Ashton wore the mark of the Dragon Knight. He decided to simply enjoy his mate for the moment and drink in his closeness and his sweet, intoxicating scent.
Ashton woke to the smell of breakfast and the gentle urgings of an amazing smelling man. His mate was proving to beboth sexy and considerate a combination that could easily steal his heart. He smiled and sat up in bed while tucking the blanket around his hips. He looked around and what he saw was a very neat and welcoming room that echoed everything he would have expected of Saphir.
Breakfast was rolled up to the side of the bed on an elaborate tray. Saphir took a seat on the edge of the bed and began feeding him bacon a bite at a time. It was so intimate and something he would have never thought a man like Saphir would do. He hadn't struck him as the playful type, but obviously, he'd read the man all wrong. Saphir started to tease him, pretending to offer a bite, then took it himself and simply kissed Ashton.
This continued throughout breakfast, and Ashton could not remember ever enjoying himself more. His mate was everything and more, and he couldn't wait to learn everything about this man. Saphir had someone deliver him some clothing as promised, and after their lovely and intimate breakfast, he dressed and got ready to go see Will.
Dr. Flynn had reported that he'd slept well and was doing fine, but Ashton needed to see him and talk to him. Most importantly of all, he wanted to share the earthshaking news that the Dagon Knight Saphir was his Fated mate. He was certain that Will would be as surprised as he was.
“I’m glad you didn’t get married.” Saphir commented and pulled him into his arms for a full body hug and a hard kiss.
“I don’t even what to think about that.” Ashton confessed. “I was so stupid I actually believed maybe she was my mate. I liked her and she was fun in the beginning, and we got along at first but now that I have met my true mate I don’t know how I could have been so easily fooled.” He looked up into thosescintillating dark eyes and his heart began to flutter with the love that rushed through him.
“When did you figure it out that she was not your mate?”
"Will told me that my true mate would not try to take from me all the people that I love. My true mate wouldn't have forced me to hurt Harley the way that I did. It was a slow awakening, but thank God I finally got there." Thoughts of Harley still brought shame down onto him.
"Your friend is very happy, and I'm sure you will work it out with him soon." Knowing that Harley had found his true match and was in the process of becoming a member of the Hadden Coven was nearly as big of a shock as finding out Saphir belonged to him. Life comes at you fast, which is the truest statement that ever was.
Saphir walked him back to Will’s apartment and left with the promise of not being long. “I will collect you here in an hour or so.” He said and gave Ashton another long hard kiss before leaving. When he turned around he noticed the bedroom door was open and Will had been watching them the entire time. To say the man appeared stunned by what he witnessed would be an understatement and it made Saphir smile.
“Were you just kissing Saphir?” Even his words were spoken with an edge of shock.
“He’s my mate.”
“Your mate?”
“Yep, and it's for real this time. I know what a Fated mate feels like now, and Ally had never been anywhere near this level of holy fuck, this is amazing."
“Oh, my God.” Will didn’t know what else to say.
Saphir was on his way to Bazil's office when Roan stopped him and asked to speak. He pulled him off to the side and into a small sitting room. "What is it?" Saphir asked, concerned by the look of alarm on Roan's face.
Before he could say anything a sudden awareness took him over and he sniffed at Saphir it was subtle but still obvious. “You smell different.” He said and then caught himself. “I’m sorry, that’s none of my business really.” His confusion brought a half smile to Saphir’s face. “What is it?” Roan then began to push.
"The fox shifter Ashton Jennings is my Fated mate," Saphir announced. "I discovered it yesterday when I went to speak with him and his brother. You and Bazil are the only ones who know, so I'd appreciate it if you kept it to yourself for now." Roan nodded his agreement.
“So, they’re staying?” Roan enquired.
“We haven’t worked everything out as yet, but yes, Ashton will be staying. Will, I assume, will return home when he has fully recovered."
“Good, good.” Roan was definitely piquing Saphir’s interest. “We discovered that the two men who set the traps were hired by John Palmer. He’s a fox shifter from Pittsburgh and the father of Ally Palmer, Ashton’s former fiancé.”
“And their orders . . .?” Saphir prompted.
"They were paid ten thousand apiece to kill Ashton Jennings and make it look like an accident. Will was just collateral damage, it would seem." Saphir had the sudden, overwhelming urge to run back to Ashton. It was instinct and a need to protect, but Ashton was safe. He was in the den of the Allegheny Dragon Circle, and no one could touch him there. He took a deep breath and calmed his dragon.
“I assume you sent agents to deal with them.” Saphir stated and Roan gave a brief nod.
"They're dead." And before Saphir could comment, Roan continued with a shake of his head. "They were already dead when our agents found them. They were cougar shifters from Centerville, just a couple of hired thugs. We disposed of their remains, and our people discovered an essence of dark magic had been close to them."
“What does that mean.” Saphir was growing more agitated by the second.
"Whoever killed them used dark magic, and we believe that it was John Palmer who killed them." Roan paused, and Saphir interjected.