Page 51 of Risky Vows


I finish my whiskey, which finally has the desired effect. The smooth, smoky finish relaxes my muscles, if only temporarily. "Yeah. And Alonzo may want to come back to the family business."

Dante sips his whiskey before setting it on the coffee table. "We can take him back, but he won't have the same role. We still get the cut."

"The problem is, people already know about it. If we show compassion…" I trail off.

Unlike the teachings of respectable schools and bible studies, compassion won't get us far. We’ll be seen as weak on the streets.

"Hmmmm. I understand. And we're keeping him alive?"


"Let's think about it. When the dust settles, we'll devise a plan with Rocco and Nico."

"Thanks, man. It's nice to talk about it," I say truthfully. I've been used to fixing problems by myself. I share work shit with my brothers, yes, but we don't talk about things we can't touch. Emotions.

Dante offers me a small smile. "Anytime."

A couple of hours later,one of the investigative team approaches us—a woman with short curly hair and glasses. "We have something. An informant said Wrench was seen checking out an old house in Englewood. We checked online—it has a basement."

I surge to my feet, determination bolting through me. "Let's pay them a visit."



Andie's screamsreverberate through me.

For the past hour or so, she's been breathing hard and wailing. I imagine a couple of hours have gone by since that jackass came down and clocked me. But it could have been more—or less. Overall, I imagine we've been gone for several hours.

Has Massimo missed me? Chances are, he thinks I left him. He may not know I've been kidnapped along with Andie. He's probably not looking for me.

"Andie, I know it's hard, but you need to pull yourself together," I say, then chastise myself for shaming a pregnant woman. Damn. If she doesn't stop, someone will come down here, and I'd hate to see what Wrench is like when he's pissed off. Meeting him when he was in a good mood was charming enough.

"Amara. My baby is coming soon."

"Are you sure? Shit. Keep it inside. We can't have the baby here."

"My blood pressure is rising too. I can tell… I have this headache, and my blood is pounding in my veins. I'm scared."

The door opens again, and my heart fills with anticipation. Maybe they found us. Maybe?—

"What the fuck is this noise?" Wrench asks. "Keep it down."

Idiot."Wrench, she's having a baby. I need to help her. Look, I don't know what the fuck you want to do to us, but I'm assuming you need us alive for a little longer. She'll die along with the baby if you don't let me help."

"Since when are you a midwife, tits?"

I roll my eyes, cringing at the nickname. I quiver. Something tells me this guy has been blocked from all of Chicago's strip clubs. "I'm not. But I can help her deliver."

He crosses his arms over his chest. "No."

"There are no sharp objects around. Please, loosen my chain. You can watch every second."

Another wail from Andie.

His gaze ping-pongs between her and me.