This dive bar we’re in is the kind of place where anything can happen, because everyone here is up for anything. Normally, I like places like this. But no one’s looking good enough to have and after this past week with Karma, I’m kinda afraid no one ever will again.
Grim doesn’t come back to the table. He parks himself by the bar downing a couple of double whiskeys in short order before chasing them down with a beer. He looks like he’s gnawing at the bottle every time he brings it to his mouth.
The place is pretty full and very noisy. Two girls are going down on each other in the middle of one of the pool tables and there’s a lot of cheering going on due to that, but the guy’s got eyes just for me. Laser focused and just as hot. I don’t know if I should ignore him, leave, or go up to him and see if there’s any credence to Karma’s delusions.
He’s hot. In that older-guy-who’s-been-around-some way. And other ways too. Big but not too bulky. The kind of guy you want watching your back because he makes you feel instantly safe. And those tie up leather riding pants he’s wearing over his jeans fit him like he had them made specially. And that bulge in the front… if he’s fully hard it’s impressive, and I somehow doubt he is. But I’ve had the chance to check him out plenty in the past and long ago decided he’s not my type. He doesn’t strike me as a guy who likes taking it and I’m not letting a guy fuck me, not even for Karma.
The whole thing’s fucked anyway. A man and a woman doing me together? That’s like a scene straight from my worst nightmares. I’ve been ignoring that side of this whole situation, since I can still kinda feel Karma’s pussy clenched around my cock from earlier today. But maybe I should stop dreaming too.
Joker wants me up north. He’s almost ready to go after Eden for real and I should be there. He screamed at me for a good five minutes when I told him I’m staying in LA for a couple of more days. Then he calmed down and told me to at least make myself useful by meeting with some MC while I’m down here, see if they wanna join our war with the Devils. I told him I had better things to do. That led to another five minutes of cursing me out.So I didn’t tell him about Karma, because then the cursing might never stop.
I just told him to call me when he’s had a chance to calm the fuck down, ended the call and didn’t answer the ten times he’s called me since.
But I’m reconsidering that now. Grim over there has downed a couple more double shots, his laser eyes are getting hotter, and he’s gnawing on his third beer. A perfect recipe for something bad to happen.
Karma won’t be back any time soon. She’s been talking about the tattoos she wants to get non-stop for the past two days. So I doubt she’s leaving that woman’s studio until she has them.
Plus, it’s better that Grim and Karma figure shit out on their own without me.
How can his cold blue eyes burn so hot? It’s a question that’s been forefront in my mind since he got here. However stupid it is. I don’t need to know. I just need to know he won’t try to murder me in my sleep. And I’m pretty sure he means to. Or just right here in the open.
I don’t usually worry about shit like that with anyone. But here I am, running away.
After I stand up, ready to leave, I actually consider telling him I’m taking off and where I’m going. But that’s part of Karma’s dream, not mine. I’m perfectly fine sharing her in a way that doesn’t involve Grim and me being in the same room.
But I’m not giving her up. I decided that on that marathon ride from Illinois. Though whatever we’re doing might not last very long. We’re starting our dance with the Devils soon. And not many live to tell about that.
I can feel Grim’s eyes boring into me even after my back is turned. And once I’m outside in the dark parking lot. The lights from the street—the ones that work anyway—don’t reach hereand especially not to the side of the building where I parked my bike next to Karma’s earlier.
I should’ve figured he came out after me. No way I could still feel his eyes on me in the windy parking lot as hard as I did if he wasn’t right behind me. But I wasn’t paying attention. Something that’s been a problem lately, since my mind’s so full of Karma and all the shit that’s been trying to keep us apart when it’s so good when we’re together.
My first warning is the crunch of a beer can getting squashed by his boot. Not much of a warning. Because the next minute, all the air leaves my lungs in a rush as he pins me against the concrete wall of the bar, the gravelly surface of the facade scratching my cheek as he uses one arm across the back of my neck to push me against it. I know it’s him. I can still feel those blue laser eyes of his on me.
“You running out?” he asks in a hoarse voice, whiskey heavy on his breath. But he sounds sober. “Karma’s not gonna like that.”
“But you do, right?” I ask.
He scoffs and that’s the only answer I get. This is so surreal. He’s using his whole body to press me against the wall, that bulge in his pants is definitely more than only a half hard dick and I’m stupidly thinking he could make this whole scenario hurt a lot worse if he wanted to. As it is, it feels more like a rough embrace, especially with his mouth so close to my neck his hot breath is tickling me. And making my hair stand up in what I’m not sure is an entirely bad way. But I fucking hate being held down.
“She’s not gonna like me killing you either,” I say, which makes him laugh like I’ve said the funniest thing.
“Yeah, you think you got a shot?”
“I know I do,” I say. “You’re old enough to be my father.”
So why am I not taking my shot? Why am I just standing here letting him hold me down?
He scoffs again. “How do you figure? I got ten years on you, tops.”
“In some weird backwater, inbred type of way you could be,” I counter.
It’s a weird position to have a conversation, and I swear his cock is actually getting bigger. So’s mine.
“Right. So why are you just standing there?” he asks meanly, actually grinding his cock against my ass as he presses me even closer to the wall. “Is it because you like this?”
He’s pressed even harder against me, so for all my talk, I probably don’t have a chance to get him off me right now. I need an opening, I need to destabilize him, all sorts of advice from Honey in that line is sounding in my head. But so’s a bunch of other crap I don’t ever think about. Like how much better this would be if we were naked.
He’s gotta move sometime unless he means to keep me pinned against this wall forever. I’ll get my chance then.