Page 7 of Karma

The hyenas have her trapped now, her back to the wall, her escape cut off by the counter on one side and the swarming pack on the other. I better go in.

“Time to back off now, guys,” I say loudly to be heard over the incessant string of their foulmouthed promises to her. “She’s here for me.”

The glance she casts me is almost pure gratitude and it makes me a little weak in the knees. Most of the time when I say shit like this to her, she shoots me down with everything she’s got.

I just hope me showing up like this as her knight in shining armor will be enough to change that from now on. There’s six of the hyenas and only the two of us. I’ve seen her fight and she can hold her own, but I’ve had too much to drink already tonight so the odds of us winning this fight aren’t great.

“And who are you?” one of the hyenas asks.

He’s a towering sort of guy, with a black and white bandana hiding his receding hairline and a nose that’s been broken a few times. His eyes are pure hate as he gazes at me. Some of theothers have noticed the cut I’m wearing, the one that clearly says The Lost Sons MC above the skull with a joker hat and a pair of guns. The image was Joker’s idea and I let him have it although I still say a scorpion would make for great club colors too.

“I’m the guy who’s gonna make a necklace of your teeth if you don’t back the fuck off,” I say and glance at the others. “That goes for all of you.”

I’ve got my big ass knife in one hand and my nine mil in the other. It’s best to go full-on crazy when you’re outnumbered like this. I learned that a long time ago. Maybe it was Honey who first suggested it. Either way, I’m not sure it’s working tonight.

The big guy takes a step towards me, but one of his buddies pulls him back.

“Let it go. Don’t wanna mess with Joker. And I’m pretty sure this one’s his main bitch,” he says loud enough for everyone to hear.

I could take offense at that, but then this would only escalate. They’re not sporting any club colors, but they seem to be together, they’re all made up of mainly muscle and look like they’ve taken a bunch of punches and bullets and lived to tell about it.

And me, I’m what they see as a tipsy blond and blue-eyed pretty boy who likes to work out way too much, and who bit off more than he can chew. A bitch, in other words, as the other one already pointed out. I’m not, but it is six against two, and tough as she is, Karma is a woman. If I’m not careful here, she might not be the only one getting straightened out by a hard cock tonight. Funny how things just keep coming round full circle on this trip. The first time I came here I was seventeen and real worried about getting raped by the guys staying here. Didn’t happen then. And it won’t now.

They’re all bulkier than me, even if not taller. But I’ve taken down my share of guys just like this. I also fucked my share ofthem. Not that any of these seem to be looking for that kind of fun. And tipsy or not, I’m more than ready to let the bullets fly. My aim’s usually pretty good even when I’m drunk.

“Yeah, let’s not fight. I’d rather not mess up Mandy’s lovely bar,” I say. “She loved this place so much.”

Mention of Mandy seems to have hit a soft spot for at least three of them, but mostly they’re still looking at me like they want to throw my dead body in the lake. Mandy wouldn’t like that either. She liked me a lot.

Karma’s the one that breaks the tense stare-off. She peels off the bar and walks to me and entwines her arm with mine. “Sorry guys, but it’s true. I am taken. He’s my man.”

Funny how her touch together with those words, delivered in a sultry voice that’s nothing like the one she uses to shoot me down normally, makes me believe she’s telling them the truth. Maybe I am drunker than I thought.

They curse and grumble about how the both of us need to be taught a lesson. But no one’s in a hurry to deliver that lesson anymore. So I put away my knife, but I keep my gun out.

“I think we better retreat to my cabin,” I tell Karma, and put way more innuendo into the words than she did. Her fingers tense on my arm, sending a nice jolt of fire straight to my cock.

“Yeah,” she says in the sultry voice and actually stands on her toes to give me a peck on the cheek. Her arm on mine was already way more than I’ve ever gotten from her. And her lips on my skin… that just about made me jizz my pants. I’ve been trying to get a kiss from her for a long time. Lost all hope it would ever come.

But the spell is broken as soon as we’re out to the bar and she releases me so completely it kinda makes me think that maybe what just happened was just a part of my drunken delirium.

“Thanks, I guess,” she says. “But?—"

“Let me guess, you could’ve handled them on your own,” I say, maybe a little too hotly.

She actually smiles, her whole face gleaming in the moonlight. “I was gonna say we better not sleep tonight, because they didn’t seem all that happy at this outcome.”

I finally put my gun away. “Yeah, it could’ve gone better. But my cabin’s got a nice deck too… not as nice as the big one, but it’s got a better view of the rest of the camp. We’ll see them coming a mile away.”

She nods and I put my arm around her shoulders, because it was nice touching her and I want to do it some more. I’m more than a little surprised that she doesn’t shrug out of the loose embrace. Instead, she lets me lead her into the darkness.

If I didn’t know her better, I’d be thinking I was finally gonna get lucky tonight after years of trying to get into her pants. But no drunken delirium is deep enough to make me believe that false hope.



Everything happened so fast. From the way Grim broke it off with me after fifteen years of a love so intense I was sure even death couldn’t end it, to deciding to spend the night at this out of the way place to get some peace, to the pack of rabid dogs in the bar coming at me like they hadn’t seen a woman in years. To Scorpio just showing up out of the darkness to save me.