“You’re not drinking, oui?” Audrey asks Winona.

“Yeah, none for me. I’m the potion stirrer, so hey, I’m kind of a part of the process, even if I can’t drink it.” She shrugs.

Vada and Audrey echo that she’s one-hundred percent involved, and as Winona waits for my decision on a taste-test, a cup, or to forgo the punch altogether, we meet each other’s gazes with a bit more weighted understanding.

Our dads.


Everyone in my family has made different choices concerning alcohol. Moffy obviously doesn’t drink unless his drink is accidentally spiked. Luna does drink. Xander’s pretty indifferent. And Sullivan didn’t try alcohol until she hit her twenties.

Where do I fall?

I feel like I can handle anything. Iwantto be able to handle anything. Like if I had some sort of dependence, I could glare at it and it’d run away scared. But my dad can send the meanest, harshest death glares at his enemies, and yet, he still has a kryptonite.

So maybe I just don’t touch the stuff.

But Luna drinks.

And I can’t imagine Luna being stronger than me. I love her, okay. But…I can’t be seen as the weak one in comparison. And if she can handle drinking and I can’t—what does that make me?

Winona sees my indecision. “We can watch out for the Birthday Girl together.”

But I can still look out for Audrey and Vadawhiledrinking, can’t I?

“Someone should probably watch out for you,” Vada says to Nona into a sip of punch. “Are the fists coming out?”

“No, but the pinchers are.” Winona playfully pinches Vada’s bicep and cheek, and the girls start laughing while Vada squirms.

I miss something that Vada says to Audrey mid-giggle.

“Pardon?” Audrey asks like she’s a part of a monarchy.

“Are you going to try it?” Vada wonders.

“I was waiting for Kinney,” Audrey says.

“You go ahead.” Though, I do grab a cup.

Audrey gulps the punch, grinning.

“It’s your pre-birthday bash,” Winona says. “Let loose. Live free. Whatever you want. You shall be protected under this coven of chaos.”

I fill up my own cup. Just a little. “My favorite kind of coven.” My heart hammers in my chest. If I don’t try it—I’ll never know.

Winona watches me scoop punch, her smile descending just a little, but when she sees that I see, her smile returns and it feels magnetic, genuine. If you’re not a dick or total asshole, she’s always good at making you feel good. It’s a real gift.

Audrey pours water into another cup for her, and the four of us hoist our drinks in the air.

“To the smartest, coolestCobalt,” Vada proclaims.

“To the true peaceful plankton in the sea,” Winona decrees.

“To our best friend forlife,” I join in.

Audrey is beaming. She takes a big breath. We clink drinks and say, “To the last of us turning fifteen.”

During the Party