But damn I’m always hoping to run into that beacon of light.







We listened to "Ready to Run" by The Chicks and "GOOD" by Erin McCarley while writing this scene.

Character List:

Ben Cobalt - 17

Xander Hale - 17

Winona Meadows - 15

Vada Abbey - 15

Kinney Hale - 15

Audrey Cobalt - 14


Before the Party

I FACE THE reflection of my camera’s phone through the bathroom mirror, and I try not to wobble on my black three-inch heels.

“I know,future me, you’re probably thinking why in the hell I’m recording this like I’m some douchebro taking a mirror selfie for a dating profile. But I have a reason. Don’t worry.” I take a readying breath. “First, I have to welcome you to video diary number seventy-four. Yes, we’re still recording on my phone after the whole camcorder debacle.” I wave a hand like it’s in the past. It quite literally is past. “But this is better than nothing, and I get that I’m risking hackers, but Uncle Garrison assured me that our cloud security is really good. Whatever that means.”

I shrug. “Anyway, I’m pretty positive if a security breach happened, other people in the family would be way worse off. The probability that one of my cousins has taken a dick pic is super high”—I grimace—“ugh, just thinking it makes me want to scrub out my brain. Luckily for you, future me, I vowed not to rewind and delete. So you’re going to be stuck with that horrifying mental image.

“Speaking of image…” In the mirror, I stare at myself for an extra long beat. My hair is cut short near my shoulders. Smokey black makeup accents my green eyes. “Let’s just hope that I look older tonight.”

Dark burgundy lipstick and winged eyeliner screamfuck off. “Really, I just kinda hope I don’t look like I’m playing dress up.” I narrow my eyes harder at my reflection like I can somehow decipher all perceptions of me. “You know, I want to look mature for my age. Wise beyond my fifteen years. Like I will slit yourthroat in your sleep or go voyage with ancient vampiresses in Romania.”

I nod strongly. “Aesthetically, I hope that’s what I’m conveying,” I tell the mirror. “And you know, I guess my biggest worry is that everyone will just look at me and see a fraud. Someonetryingtoo hard to be tough. I bet Aunt Rose never had this problem. She was probably born in the womb with five-inch heels and a razor-sharp glare.”

I let out a resigned sigh. “I guess I should do like updates on everyone, but I’m trying to keep these video diaries short these days. Ten-minute videos areout. Ten-second clips arein.” I roll my eyes like whoever made these rules can go fly a kite. “I’m somewhere in between. Always have been, I guess. Can’t fit me into a box or whatever, or maybe you can—maybe I just wish I can’t be crammed so neatly in one.” I rock on my heels. “Anyways, today is Audrey’s pre-birthday bash without her annoying brothers.” I pause. “Okay, Ben is invited, but the other turds arenot. Especially the Wretch. And as one of Audrey’s best friends, I have to make sure this sip-in-snow goes off without too much drama.”

I take another beat. “Okay without thebadkind of drama. Because some drama is actually quite entertaining, and I know Audrey would agree. But before I end the diary, I have to document the fit…” I wave a hand to my black mini dress and knee-high stockings. The top is corset-style with black laced straps cinching the back.

“Dad wouldneverlet me leave the house in this,” I say to my camera through the mirror. “So it’s good he has no idea about the party. In fact, no one but Xander, Ben, and the girls are in on it. Audrey says that her parents won’t find out, but I think it’s highly unlikely Aunt Rose will be duped tonight. She’sfartoo smart for that.

“And then there’s Betha—” I cut myself off before completing her whole name.

My face roasts, and I’m just talking to myself!

“I’ll mention her later if all goes well,” I say hurriedly. “And if it doesn’t then we shall erase her name from existence.” I force a dry smile. My dating life is pathetic. Bad luck. That whole shebang is just sad, sad,sad. And I’d be fooling myself to think there’s any upside in sight.

I’m not an optimist. I’m arealist.