Except they listed Beckett and me as a couple.

I’m also avoiding my ex-client. Beckett is at a high-top table near a window and chatting with Charlie, and the only time I ever look over there is out of the corner of my eye. Not forlong either. It clenches my stomach, and I’d rather not feel that feeling.

Like I lost something.

Like I lostsomeone.

“It’ll be forgotten in a few weeks,” Akara assures. He’s been quiet tonight too. “Don’t worry about it, guys. Most of the ship names haven’t even been trending.”

Some have.



“LunaQuinn?” Quinn asks since he must not have looked.

“Defunct,” Oscar says.

“It’s not even a creative ship name,” I state.I wouldn’t ship it.

Oscar turns to me. “What would you have gone with?”

I can’t come up with any combination of Quinn and Luna’s name that I like. I look to my friend. “Make-Believe.”

He laughs.

Quinn even smiles. And it eases the tightness in my muscles.

Jane, Luna, and Sulli all laugh at something, the girls smiling together, and I drink some water and find myself staring. But it’s the happiest place to look at—besides at Farrow, who keeps grinning over at Maximoff.

This is only our second full day in Scotland, and an easy-going vacation has seemed less and less likely. Too many people have dragged baggage on this trip.

Like how Thatcher is pretending to be Banks, so he can’t outright embrace his girlfriend right now.

Tony the Toolbox is on Jane’s detail. (Hate that for her.)

Oscar is more concerned about his little sister this trip than his actual client Charlie.

The Rooster (aka Will Rochester) is here as Sulli’s boyfriend, and Akara’s brows keep wrinkling like he’s been possessed by a jealousy demon.

Akara is also not on good terms with Thatcher, his best friend.

And my status has been Ignore Beckett/Ignore O’Malley since I boarded the plane and we landed in a foreign country.

Despite all that shit, I’m still glad I’ve been invited. Scotland is about location scouting for my best friend’s wedding. And I’ve imagined that day long before Farrow got with Maximoff Hale.

‘Cause I knew Farrow would get married one day. That it mattered to him. It’s what he’s always wanted: a husband to love and who loves him back. A lifelong soul mate in this world. His wedding is one of the brightest spots in the horizon for me, and I’m looking forward to it. Just wish it’d come sooner.

Notyearsdown the line like he keeps saying.

Not sure if I’m gonna be the best man or not, though. It’ll probably go to Oscar.

I return my gaze to the fireplace. Luna’s back is angled towards us, but Jane is looking directly at her boyfriend, and he’s still pretending to be her boyfriend’s identical twin.

My grin spreads. “Cobalt princess is making googly eyes at Banks.”

Thatcher frowns and braves a single peek at Jane.