Translation:You’ll never die.

I should really rub in the fact that Garrison heard the notification when he didn’t. I could remind him that he’s getting old. I’m, unfortunately, getting older too. But I don’t say anything. I sink into the kiss and into the weight of his arms. I let him block out the wind for me.

And I let myself believe that he and I, we’ll live forever.





We listened to "Super Trouper" by ABBA and "Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas" by Judy Garland while writing this scene.

Character List:

Winona Meadows - 16

Vada Abbey - 16

Kinney Hale - 16

Audrey Cobalt - 15


“THIS YEAR HAS been complete shit,” I record on my phone. “Royal garbage, really. Between my sister and Mom being attacked and now the death in the family, I’m just ready to call it. Put 2040 in the grave already.” I sigh heavily. “Anyway, I probably won’t do another one of these this year. So until next time.” I give a dry half-smile and throw up a peace sign. “This is your favorite blahblahblah—Kinney Hale.”

I end the video. Don’t even know why I bothered making one tonight. I’m not in the mood. Christmas Eve should bring me some cheer, but it’s been hard to muster joy, even being at the lake house. The three other bunkbeds in the room are empty while I occupy the bottom one near the door.

I hear clamoring outside it. But it could be from numerous people. The lake house is crammed, but I wouldn’t want it any other way.

Salem lounges beside me, her eyes open. Shewoofslike she knows I’m wallowing, and I hug her tight. “I know, I know.”They’re okay.

Mom. Luna.

I should be so full of gratitude that they weren’t taken from me, but I’ve been soangryinstead. Bitter. It’s just not fair that horrible things keep happening to my family.

Now with the funeral…

I hate death.

I really do.

Glancing at the door, I wonder when my friends will be back. Winona, Vada, and Audrey had to grab something from the car, so I stayed behind to record my video diary. It took me ten whole minutes just to think ofonething to say.

Just as I contemplate finding them, the door blows open.

Three girls spill in with giggles, and I start to smile. Like me, they all wear holiday-themed pajama bottoms and baggy oversized sweatshirts. I’m in all black, but my sweatshirt has red poms.

Audrey ditched her usual pink and teal fir tree PJ set. This year, she opted for red plaid flannels, which contrasts her red hair.

“The contraband has been secured,” Winona proclaims, hiking the duffel strap higher on her shoulder. She’s struggling with the weight, and Vada helps take the load off.

It looks like they’re carrying a dead body.

Death.It’s on the brain big time.