I frown deeply, building armor around my body. Fortifying. “What?” I hold my breath. “What’s the second thing?”
“Two. Akara is at our house. Our daughter threw a party while we were away.”
We listened to "Ready to Run" by The Chicks and "GOOD" by Erin McCarley while writing this scene.
Character List:
Lily Calloway - 48
Garrison Abbey - 42
Winona Meadows - 15
Vada Abbey - 15
Kinney Hale - 15
Audrey Cobalt - 14
My best friend stopped puking a while ago. Now she slurps on a gallon-sized thermos of water that Vada and I dug out of the Cobalt’s cupboards, trying to hide the fact that she was sick in the first place. Sulli checked up on her too before she had to leave. Audrey was even able to take a quick shower and put on a silky buttoned pajama top and pants.
Although, she nearly slipped on the wet tiles.
Winona jumped in the shower to support Audrey, keeping her upright. She’s already changed out of her soaked crochet top and jeans, and she borrowed a floral dress from Audrey. It’s short on her super tall build, but she brought a long cargo jacket too.
We all helped and hurried to get Audrey dressed after the shower, but when we put her pants on backwards with the butt pockets in the front, all four of us fell to the floor in a fit of laughter.
It was one of my favorite parts of the night.
Now the four of us are squished together on a leather couch. We’re in the Cobalt’s den like we’re all on trial for murder. And it’s not just because we threw Audrey a pre-birthday sip-in-snow. The living room is a hurricane of glass from a broken coffee table. The kitchen is a flour-coated mess.
Outside is even worse. The pool has unidentified debris floating on the surface, and planters are broken—all from the T-Bags showing up and causing absolute mayhem.
It was drama.
Thebadkind of drama.
Only saving grace was Akara and Banks showing up with Sulli to diffuse the whole situation, but they called Uncle Connor and Aunt Rose.
Who called all the other parents.
They told us to wait at the Cobalt Estate for them and not sneak back home. Winona and I live so close that our houses are just a quick walk down the street. We could leave, but maybe the punishments won’t be so harsh if we listen.