I readjust my choker necklace. “I’m with Lily on this. You shouldn’t worry, Ryke.” My eyes flash to my husband. He’s talking hushed on the phone, but his face cinches in concern.
“No, it just means one of her two boyfriends is fucking careless,” Ryke snaps.
“Akara broke up with her!” Lily reminds him in a shout like it’s still new news. For Lily, who was and still is voraciously in love with the idea of both AkaraandBanks with Sulli, this news did gut her.
“A travesty,” I note. “You’ve lost another set of balls to roast on a spitfire. It was the more, the merrier, and now it’s just basic and barely merry.”
They know my stance on the matter. From a selfish standpoint, I would’ve loved if any of my kids came home withan extra boyfriend for me to grill. Plus, once they’re taken into the fold, it’s another ally, another person to love. From a non-selfish standpoint, it’s their life, not mine; they can date who they fucking want.
Within reason, I suppose. There are evils in this world.
Ryke is just growling in frustration on the other side. Connor would have a field day with the animalistic noises, so it’s good that he’s not on the same call.
“What if they did get back together?” Lily theorizes. “And we just don’t know it yet.”
I glance out at the glittering city lights. “It’s a possibility.”
“I change my fucking mind,” Ryke says. “Both are fucking careless because theybothshould be wearing fucking condoms. And if one decided not to, the other one should give him shit for it.”
I grin. “This is what I like to hear.”
“I’m not sure that’s in the poly relationship rulebook,” Lily mutters. “Not that I know anything about poly romances. I’m monogamous!” She shouts it like a reporter is waiting to jump down her throat.
“Lily, we’re in the fucking storage room,” Ryke reminds her.
“But there are bugs everywhere,” Lily whispers.
“Only apparently near our children,” I say with ice. I hate this. I hate how helpless we’ve been to protect them. And I want it to end. It needs to end. This has gone too far. “We’re going to find the source of the leaks. Connor and I?—”
“No,” Lily and Ryke say together.
Ryke adds, “Fuck no. We told you two not to go rogue on this, and we fucking meant it.”
Yes, so Connor and I may have concocted some plans, but like my daughter, they involved taking one for the team. Dying on the sword. My throat swells. “Fine,” I snap out, but I don’t even mean it. I plan on taking this into my own hands.
Even if I have to do it without Connor.
“Dais?” I hear Ryke call out to my sister (his wife). He must walk away from the phone since I only hear faint mumbling.
Annoyance bites at me. “What’s going on?” I snap.
Lily speaks. “Uh, I think they said that Sulli is at your house.”
“My house?” I frown.
Why would my niece be there? I sit straighter, shoulders painfully arched back, and I’m about to ask for more information.
“Rose,” Connor nods to me. He’s holding his phone, hand over the speaker, like he wants me to participate in his call. And then he turns towards the driver. I can’t hear what he’s telling him.
Hairs on the back of my neck stand as worry and concern infiltrate. Akara is not only Sulli’s recent ex, but he’s also head of Kitsuwon Securities. I assumed he called Connor to ask if we have any leads with the leaks. Basically, the same reason Ryke called. I assumed wrong? Ugh, I hate even thinking it. But my gut tells me it’s true. Something else is afoot.
“I have to go,” I tell Lily hurriedly, ending the call before she can reply. To Connor, I ask, “What’s happened?”
Connor looks over at me. “Two things,” he says. “One. We know where the leaks are coming from.”
I breathe out a, “Thank God.”
He doesn’t seem relieved. He doesn’t even correct me for thankingGod.