I raise my glass in cheers. “Translation: this isn’t the 18th century.”

Carissa pales. “I see.” She pretends to check her Apple Watch. “If you’ll excuse me.” She doesn’t even bother coming up with a lie to depart with. And I know it’s because she has a high value in the company. An inflated self-importance.

Connor watches as his top investor leaves with an angry stride. If he’s concerned about potentially losing her support tonight, he doesn’t say. He just turns to me and holds out his phone. The Royal Leak is already popped up.

“I saw,” I tell him. I now notice the stares. I’m not deluding myself into thinking it’s because we’re standing side-by-side. While that does garner attention at times, it’s not the kind that’s currently drilling into us with poisonous queries.

He nods towards the exit, and a wave of relief spindles down my spine. We make our way to the elevators, our bodyguards in silent tow. Connor’s refurbished limo is waiting out front—a timeless classic of a vehicle since he pays people to maintain the shit out of it. It’s shiny and sleek and could be paraded at car shows alongside Thunderbirds of the 50s. The upkeep of the classic limo wasn’t just to further pad my husband’s enlarged ego.

I am sentimental about things, and he knows the limo is one of them.

When we get in, my phone buzzes the same time his does. I see AKARA KITSUWON on his screen while mine reads RYKE MEADOWS.

He slides to the other side of the limo, so we can both answer our calls. I put my cell to my ear. “I already saw the leak,” I tell my brother-in-law.

“This is not fucking okay,” Ryke growls.

“I agree. It’s heinous.”

Ryke mostly maintains a “fuck the media” standpoint, rarely offering press releases to clear up disinformation and rumors. But we’ve all concluded that 99% of these leaks are true, so he’s been more disturbed at the fact that someone is spying on, or possibly stalking, our children.

Fire has been raging in my bloodstream just imagining some vilepervpeeping into the penthouse where Jane and my nieces and nephew live.

Ryke, Loren, and I haven’t been calm about this ordeal, and while it’sLorenof all people on my side, it is nice having two others share my desire to burn the world down.

“We still have no fucking leads?” Ryke asks with heat. “Your husband hired how many PIs? He promised me this would be fucking dealt with by now.”

I press my fingers to my temple and cinch my eyes closed. “As much as he would like you to believe he is a god. He is not. He can’t snap his fingers and turn these fuckers into dust.”

“That’s Thanos, not God!” Lily’s voice pipes in.

I roll my eyes. “Am I on speaker?” I snap. “And what is Lily doing there? Is Daisy there too?” I try not to be hurt that Daisy and Lily are most likely hanging out, and I wasn’t informed. I like invites, even if I have to decline them. Especially from my sisters.

“Yeah, it was a last second thing. Lily needed help moving boxes at Superheroes & Scones. She knew you were at the Cobalt Inc. party.”

“Investor gala,” I correct.

“Whatever the fuck.”

I don’t hear Daisy on the line. “So Daisy hasn’t seen the leak?” I guess.

“She has seen it, and she’s taking it better than me.”


“What?” he snaps.

“I admire my sister’s ability to rise above, and still, I’d rather simmer and rage down below.” I see a chip in my black matte nail polish and grimace.

“Fucking same. Dais is in the breakroom on the phone with Sul now.” He lets out a rough breath. “Do you know if this is a fake, pre-fabricated leak? Like Jane’s?”

My daughter faked a rumor to see if she could see where the leaks originated. All that did was spurn the media to believe Thatcher, her husband, cheated on her. A horrible lie that’s now floating in the air like toxic dust particles. But I can’t blame them—Connor and I would have done the same thing. Taken one for the team.

“I don’t know,” I tell Ryke.

He growls a few curse words under his breath.

Lily interjects, “If it is true, maybe she’s not pregnant though. Plan B is so youdon’tget pregnant, and if she’s not ready for a baby that’s a responsible route.”