
His cheekbones sharpen, eyes reddening. “Great, so it’s way better then. Tons of fun, like a goddamn party in my head.”

“Sure.” I sweep him.

He’s scared. And he glances around, like he’s also afraid someone else will see.

I bring him to my chest at the same time that he pulls me into his. Our bodies meld together, his pulse pounding against me.

“I’m not going anywhere, Maximoff.”

His arms strengthen around my shoulders, his palm warming the back of my neck.

I draw back, just enough to clasp his jaw.

We kiss, tender and light.

I can feel his pulse slowing.

He knows it’s not too late to back out, and I know he’ll want to try to help Beckett no matter what.

He’s risking his body for his cousin.

“You still think this is a bad idea?” Maximoff asks seriously.

My brows shoot up. “Yeah. It’s not like it worked the first time.”

Past history: his uncle did the same thing for his dad. Only Loren Hale didn’t stop Ryke Meadows from drinking alcohol.

He let him destroy his sobriety.

Maximoff stares into me. “Can you tell me more? Like how long do you think the high will last?”

The more that he admits to me that he doesn’t know shit about cocaine, the more my ribcage constricts and my heart crushes. “It’ll be?—”

“Banks to Farrow,” Thatcher says over comms, pretending to be his brother on the radio. “Barricade the door. Don’t let Beckett out.”

He’s not calling Maximoff inside, and we’re already standing right outside of the door.

I take a hand off my fiancé to click my mic. “Done.”

We go quiet and listen, not separating. Our arms still around each other. It feels like a few minutes pass, but I’m not looking at the time. We only let out audible breath when Beckett yells, “Stop! Wait, just stop!”

Maximoff shuts his eyes in a long blink. “Jesus.” That wasn’t easy, just standing here listening.

I relax more.

He tries to match me and roll out his shoulders. “Told you he’d stop her.” The air lightens.

I roll my eyes into a short laugh. “Man, take this win. I’m happy to be wrong.”

“Me too.”