Page 22 of Sweet Little Thing

“Because Jasper has a stripper he brought home, found during our night out, currently in the pool house. Right now, she’s calling him GOD and begging him to fuck her up the ass harder than he’s already doing. Now you answer my question.”

I was sleepy, no, I was exhausted, but his words woke me a little. Jasper brought a stripper home? “Uh,” I began to explain and forgot for a second what I was going to say. Stone’s cold glare snapped me back, and I responded, “I need more money. I’m saving it for nursing school. Any more questions? I’m tired.”

He studied me a moment, then went back to his book. “No. No more questions.”

I continued walking through the room. His voice ground me to a halt, “I didn’t expect you to have an ambition or goal.”

Maybe it was the lack of sleep. Or maybe my quota for receiving Stone’s crap had been suddenly surpassed. I lit into the man like a blow torch, “Of course you didn’t. You’re too busy glaring down that nose of yours. It’s lengthy, you can glare for years.” I spoke, then ran from the room. Why? For one, Stone had a nice nose. And number two, I’d just snapped at my boss’s friend. Apparently, Jasper’s best friend. Because he was never far away.

I didn’t stop until I got to the basement. After a quick shower, I collapsed in bed, and tomorrow, I would worry about apologizing and making amends with Stone. When I closed my eyes, I saw Jasper and some unknown stripper doing things I’d not ever done. Deep down, I had to admit I didn’t like the image. That wasn’t good at all. I would need to suppress that emotion. Being attracted to my boss was not okay. I needed these jobs too much. Jasper was going to sleep with a lot of women and I was going to need to be okay with watching them come and go. Although, I was disappointed. The guy I was starting to get to know was likable, and I wanted to continue to know him even more. I tried hard to push his face from my head. It didn’t leave. Wouldn’t vanish. When I finally fell asleep, I dreamed of him. That was only the beginning.




Last night, my dreams were vivid. When I walked into the kitchen with pancakes and sausage for Jasper, I began blushing. I wondered if he’d bring the girl with him to breakfast, but he hadn’t; he was alone.

“This smells amazing,” he said as I lowered the plate on the table. He was texting, but he stopped to look at me, and I felt as cheery as my fatigue would allow.

“Thanks,” I replied, my cheeks still warm. I quickly turned away so he wouldn’t notice. Then Jasper engaged in conversation.

“You okay this morning?” he asked before I could leave the room.


“Late night at work?”


He chuckled. I was behaving like a zombie. “Okay, well, I won’tkeep you.”

I tipped my chin and hurried out. I felt silly, looked silly, was silly. When I got to the kitchen, I sighed in frustration and leaned against the bar. This wasn’t going to work. I had to get past that dream. Past my attraction to Jasper. He was helping me, which I didn’t understand, especially from someone who looked like him and had everything one could imagine. I must keep my feelings straight. I was grateful to him for my jobs. That did not mean I liked him.

Rolling my eyes, I listened to my thoughts, my ridiculous, dramatic ponderings. A day with Jasper being charming and nice, followed by an erotic dream, most likely inspired by what I’d witnessed at work, had me in a mess of emotions.

Jasper cleared his throat, and I jumped, spinning as if being mugged.

“I was wondering if you’d like to have breakfast with me. It’s lonely in there by myself.” He was carrying his plate in one hand and clutched his coffee in the other. He sat them both down on the bar.

Bad idea. “Where’s Stone?” I asked, thinking spending time with Jasper was unwise.

“Gone already, he went running before going to work. I think he. . .”

“. . .Stone works a job?” I blurted out.

“Yeah,” he chuckled. “Several.”

“Oh,” I replied trying to wrap my head around that. He was always with Jasper. I hadn’t thought he had any responsibility.

“Why don’t you eat the food you made for him and let me enjoy your company? Please,” he added, “it’s, like, cavernous in there, and the room is swallowing me whole.”

The way he tilted his head, the glint in his eyes from the morning sunlight as it streamed through the windows on his face, made it hard to say no to Jasper. I agreed by nodding myhead. I could do this and not think about my dream. I hoped.

“Okay, can I get you more coffee?”

“No, I require your company.”