Page 74 of Sweet Little Thing

“Dinner was great,” I told them. “Can I help clean up the kitchen?” Hopefully, my subtle change in the subject would lead them away from discussing Mack’s dating life.

“Both of you are running off Beulah. Can’t y’all shut the hell up?” Mack said as he stood up with another cookie in his hand. “Sorry about them. But no. You don’t touch the kitchen. That’s his job. If he needs to destroy it, then he can clean it. Or Shay can help him since she didn’t bring me the one thing I asked for.”

“You’re enjoying those pastries just fine,” she snapped at him.

He held up both hands as if he was done with her. “Because that’s all we fucking have!”

Marty sighed, then turned his head to me. “It’s a damn circus around here.”

Today had been a long one. I wanted to talk to Stone and make a decision, but leaving without seeming ungrateful would be tricky. If he still hadn’t come home, I could text him. Maybe writing the words would be easier than saying them.

Glancing around at the others, I knew I wasn’t going to explainall that to them. However, I didn’t want them to think I was leaving because they were fighting, and honestly, it was keeping me distracted. I had enjoyed myself and their company.

“You can go. No harm done. I’d leave if I didn’t live here,” Marty said. I started to explain that wasn’t the case when a loud knock on the door stopped me. It also stopped Mack and Shay’s arguing.

“I’ll get it,” Mack said, stalking from the room.

“He’s such an ass,” Shay muttered.

“Mmmmhmmm,” Marty replied, but he grinned like he didn’t believe her. I had to agree with him. She almost seemed to enjoy the constant word battle with Mack, as if her not bringing the pie had been intentional.

“It’s for Beulah,” Mack called, and I stood quickly at the sound of my name.

“Stone must be looking for you,” Marty said.

Would he come here looking for me? It seemed unlikely. I figured he’d be curious when he got home and saw my car out front and wasn’t in the apartment. But he could have called. Oh, no he couldn’t have since my phone was in my purse, and completely dead. I’d forgotten to charge it last night. I blame the alcohol—I was drunk.

When I walked into the entryway and saw him standing there, his eyes locked on me. I wondered if I should explain or apologize. Did he even care? Had he tried to call?

“You’re not answering your phone,” he said, sounding angry.

“We were loud—” Mack had started to make excuses for me, but I interrupted.

“I forgot to charge it last night. It’s dead.”

Stone held my gaze a moment longer. His expression was unreadable. I couldn’t tell if he was angry, concerned, or annoyed.

“You weren’t home when I got here. And—”

“I asked her to have dinner with us. I’m sick of Shay and Marty. Needed to change it up a bit,” Mack explained for me before I could say more. I glanced at Mack, and he seemed relaxed. “There’s plenty left if you want to come in. Shay brought some expensive ass shit for dessert from the Elswoods.”

Stone shifted his focus back to me. “Are you finished?”

I nodded. But I was nervous. Unsure of his mood. I didn’t say anymore.

“I’ve already eaten,” he said to Mack. “But thanks for the offer.”

“Anytime,” Mack replied, then turned to look at me. “Glad you could come tonight. You’re always welcome.”

“Even more welcome if I bring the peanut butter pie,” I said with a smile.

He chuckled. “Yes. Anyone is welcome if they come with that in hand. Fuck knows Shay isn’t gonna get one.”

“Good night,” Stone said abruptly as he stepped back from the entrance to the dining room and looked at me as if I were supposed to move first. So, I did. I thanked Mack and Marty again, then made my way to the door and left the apartment with Stone following at my heels. The door closed behind him. I kept walking toward the stairs. There was tension, and I didn’t understand why. Did he not like Mack and Marty? Was there a problem with me having dinner with them?

I didn’t ask.

Instead, I waited. Stone would tell me when he was ready.