Page 59 of Sweet Little Thing

Walking toward the door, I heard someone yell then let out a loud shout and I glanced around not sure if I should go inside or not.

“Did we order him some entertainment?” I glanced up to see a guy smiling down at me with a beer bottle in his hand from the rooftop. I wasn’t sure what he was talking about or if he had beentalking to me.

Wanting to get away from any more attention, I went inside the building. The door on the first-floor apartment was wide open. I could hear more of the party coming from inside and figured this must be their crowd and why Stone hadn’t mentioned it.

This was very different from the quiet building I’d left earlier today. I’d not met the other residents yet, but I did remember Stone saying two guys lived on this floor. I wondered if they threw parties like this often.

A guy with black hair that brushed his shoulders and dark brown eyes walked out into the hallway. His gaze locked on me, and I paused. I wasn’t sure if I should introduce myself or just keep walking. I wished I’d hurried on up and not stood out here so long.

“You must be Beulah,” he said as a slow, easy grin spread across his angular face.

“Yes,” I replied slightly relieved he knew who I was.

“I’m Mack.”

Stone had said Mack and Marty lived here. “It’s nice to meet you.”

His response was a deep, low laugh, and I wondered if I’d said something funny. Although, I didn’t know what that could be.

“When things get too hectic with the crazy bitch upstairs, you’re welcome to come hide out here. She hates you. And now I’ve seen you I know why.”

“Thanks…um, I think.” I wasn’t sure what else to say to that.

He was grinning at me again. “She’s jealous. Presley would hate any woman Stone let move in but one that looks like you,” he smirked. “It’s gonna make her feral.”

I shook my head. “Oh, no. It’s not like that. Stone and I, well, he barely tolerates me. We are not and will not be an issue for her.”

He continued to look amused. “Is that so,” he drawled. “Well then by all means. Our door is always open.”

I started to say thanks, then thought better of it because it seemed redundant. Instead, I gave him a little wave before I continued up the stairs only to find the second-floor door open. The party had spread out at least it sounded like it.

I quickly hurried up to the third floor only to find the door open to Stone’s apartment as well, although the voices weren’t as loud, and no music was coming from inside. It seemed this was an entire building party. Anxiety began to spring up inside me as I thought about walking inside to that. I couldn’t stay out in the hallway all night, but I didn’t know any of these people. Stone’s words last night about me not fitting into his world taunting me.

Forcing myself to move, I went to the doorway and stepped inside. Silver balloons filled the entrance, and a Happy Birthday banner hung from the ceiling. The entire building was celebrating someone’s birthday. I could hear laughter coming from the great room and kitchen. Since I hadn’t been told there would be a party, I assumed I wasn’t invited.

Hiding out in my temporary bedroom sounded like a more appealing idea anyway. Turning I started toward the hallway then immediately halted. Stone was leaning against the wall with his arms crossed over his chest and his eyes locked on me.

When he didn’t speak it only made things awkward. Why was he alone in the hallway with a party going on in his building?

“It’s someone’s birthday, I see,” I said as I slowly approached him.

He scowled and glanced at the decorations at the entrance of his apartment then replied, “Unfortunately.”

He was clearly unhappy about it. “I guess you didn’t plan this.”

His jaw clenched and his eyes cut back to me. “Most years, I leave the country. Alone. Check something off my bucket list.”

What? I stared at him a moment then glanced around.

“It’s your birthday?” I asked feeling bad that I hadn’t even wished him a happy birthday although how would I have known.He hadn’t said anything about it. Not even Geraldine had mentioned it.

“No. My birthday is in two weeks. However, Presley assumed I would leave again, so she did this early.”

I let out a small sigh of relief. It wasn’t his birthday yet. Not that I would normally care about that but seeing as he had helped me so much, I wanted to acknowledge it. I could make him some cupcakes.

“I’m sure she means well,” I said although I didn’t mean it.

He raised his eyebrows. “Is that what you really think, Beulah? Or are you just being nice because that’s what you do? I’d like to know what you really think. Not what you think you should think.”