The house itself is not in a neighborhood. It’s in the city, not far from the university, but the mansion itself has its own private entrance and a driveway that spans at least a half mile up a hill. Completely and utterly alone up here. City views shine below in the distance.
That’s probably why they can throw ragers here without the cops being called. There is a DJ booth out here as well,Wicked Gamesby The Weeknd, blares from the surrounding speakers. Men and women grind up on each other and sway to the intoxicating rhythms. Keg stands are at full blast, with a line of people waiting for their turn. It’s a party paradise.
As we make our way to the bonfire, slithering through the intoxicated guests, something hits me like a ton of bricks. It’s an uneasy feeling that starts to creep inside of me. Almost putting me on edge. Some type of electric shock sends waves down my spine making the hair on the back of my neck stand straight up. Fluttering in my stomach.
I am being watched.
I slowly pull my eyes from the ground, towards the crackling energy beckoning me. A man sits, relaxed on a black velvet couch. A blonde, curvy, beautiful woman sits in his lap, kissing on his neck and rubbing her hands up and down his stomach under his black tank top. Grinding her ass on his upper thigh. His eyes are dead-set on mine. They’re the most hauntingly beautiful eyes I have ever seen.
Steel gray in color that shimmers in the fire’s warm light. He has black, inky hair that fades going up the side, little strands fall to his eyes; olive skin that is covered in black tattoos from his neck to his fingers. He is astonishing. A literal devil that I wouldsell my soul to for just one night. He just sits there, staring at me. I am transfixed by his intense blazing eyes. My heart rate starts to pick up and I feel my hands start to get sweaty. My thighs begin to rub together.
I stand there, gawking like an idiot, completely in a dreamlike state by this breathtaking man. Normally I would divert my eyes to such a gaze, but this is a magnet. The force controls me. His eyes slowly pull from mine to look me down slowly, He bites his lips when his gaze lands on my thick thighs with the ripped stockings.
I can see his chest start to rise and fall faster and faster at the mere sight of me. His eyes make their way to the joined hands of Chase and I and settle, raising his right eyebrow subtly. Noticing where his eyes were, I quickly removed my hand from his and rubbed my thigh anxiously. Letting out a sly smile, he lifts his smoldering eyes to meet mine once again. That perfect smile has me about to fall to my knees right here and beg him to take me.
I can feel my face burning. Not quite sure if it's from the roaring flames a few feet away, or due to the way this man makes my body respond to him. My breathing is starting to quicken. My heart is pounding out of my chest. Instantly wet from the mere sight of him. He licks his lower lip subtly and bites it again. Gripping the back of the couch with white, tight knuckles, his tattoos flexing.
The blonde continues to lick and nip his neck slowly and then her hand starts to make its way down his stomach, slipping inside his waistband and down his pants, starting to rub and palm his dick. His eyes never left mine during the act. She moves her hand up and down his shaft under his pants slowly. I can see his length pushing and fighting against his black jeans. My mouth starts to water as my lips part.
He keeps his gaze solely on me, as if he is daring me to keep watching. The once devilish smile is now gone. Pure lust is the only thing filling his darkening eyes. He has me paralyzed. Slowly, he tilts his head to the side as if a question is lingering on his mind. His eyes pinch as if concern runs through them. Before I have time to snap out of it, Chase steps in front of me trying to get my attention. Realizing how utterly dumb I must look; I turn and quickly move away back towards the house.
Utter embarrassment seeps through me. OMG, I just sat there and watched him. Like a fucking weirdo. Why was I just staring at him? Why couldn’t I pull my gaze from his? Why was he staring at me? Why did it feel so good? He probably just thinks I am some creepy girl now who gets off on watching people fuck! Before I can let my thoughts overtake me, I feel a hand grab my wrist and turn me.
“Hey, slow down! Are you ok? You just turned and ran away so fast.” Chase says with a worried look in his eyes.
“Yeah, I’m sorry.” I say breathlessly. “That guy on the couch, he literally was getting a hand job, like right in front of everyone.” I say, quietly running my hands along my sweater sleeve. I probably sound like an immature silly little kid now. Fuck! Why did Jenny bring me here?
I am going to be repulsing every man I encounter. I’m sure nobody here cares about any form of PDA, or they didn’t even care to notice. Most look like they are about to get it on, laying on the grass out here. I must look like a fucking prude clutching my grandma’s pearls once again.
“Oh, sorry Brooke, that’s just Eli.” He says laughing. “He pretty much does whatever he wants. Withwhoever. Not a shy dude. This is his and Dane’s place.” Winking at me he continues, “But hey, stay here, let me go grab you another drink. You’re almost out.” He nodded to my cup.
I stand, a bit unsure, looking around then say, “Ok.” He gives me a quick kiss on my cheek then turns and leaves me standing in the crowded yard. Holy crap, this is his and Dane’s place? I am guessing trust fund babies at this point or crypto kings.
I wonder what his room looks like.
No. I can’t think like this. That blonde has her Fierce red talons in him. God, He would never push her to the side for the likes of me. My stomach starts to feel uneasy again.
The party is at full blast now. I make my way around, trying to find a quieter spot then something off in the distance catches my attention. A large willow tree stands towards the back of the yard past the bustling people. A black, iron bench sits underneath its drooping leaves. It’s so beautiful. Quickly, I make my way over to it for some peace and quiet.
Walking underneath the strands of hanging leaves, they tickle my face as I pass through them. A sea of leaves shields me from the chaotic party behind me. The full harvest moon shines through, painting little shadows all over my skin. The cool breeze catches my hair, gently whispering it off my shoulders. It’s so calming to my shattered nerves. I take a seat and relax while I look at the quiet city below.
“Breathtaking, isn’t it?” A low voice hums inches away into my ear, making me jump up and spin around. The intoxicating musk of cedar and smoke surrounds me. Turning around, I am met with a pair of steel gray eyes looking down at me and that devilish smile gleaming once again in the bright moonlight.
This is what I live for. This amount of energy and lust, buzzing all around me. I hold Brook’s hand as we travel through the mounds of horned-up partiers. I can see she is a bit uneasy, but I’m sure once she gets a few drinks in her, Grandma Brook will loosen the fuck up. The smell of weed brings a gleeful smile to my face as I inhale it deeply. I take in as much smoke into my lungs as I can. This is freedom. My soul aches to let loose. Aches to find that hot man from earlier, Dane, and completely ravage the poor guy.
I amsofucking horny. It’s been four months since my last lay and I feel I am on the verge of exploding at even the mere touch of a lustful hand on my flesh. The caress of a nipple. Lips meeting mine. The lick of a warm tongue on my clit. I shake my head to clear my ruffled, sexual thoughts. I know what I am wearing tonight will pique his interest. He will want to rip it off and claim me as his. I hope he uses his teeth.
Ok Jenny, concentrate...
We make it through the crowd and like an arrow to its target, I see him in the kitchen, sitting up on a counter, a wide bright smile meeting my eyes, his tanned skin gleaming in the black lights. Letting go of Brook’s hand, I sauntered my way over to him. Making sure to sway my hips seductively.
“There you are,” he says playfully as he looks me up and down. “I see you dressed to impress.” He says, giving me a quick wink. I am instantly wet. This man is fucking gorgeous. He looks like a dark god. The god of sex and pleasure just out there waving around a massive steel sword.
Oh, that sword, if I could just. “Soooo,” he says, breaking my thoughts. I hadn’t even noticed I was staring at the outline of his dick through his tight blue jeans the entire time, my mouth watering with anticipation. “My eyes are up here,” He jokes, giving me a wolfish grin, making my cheeks flush quickly.