“Was Rudolph real?”
“Not as far as I know. I think it’s just a fairy tale humans created.”
“It would be weird if a reindeer had a glowing red nose anyway,” she said.
She felt a magical pulse in the air a moment before Santa strode into the barn. He was wearing his Christmas suit: crushed red velvet coat and pants, wide black belt, and heavy black boots.
“How are you liking Northernmost, Winterlyn?” he asked as he walked up to them.
“It’s amazing,” she said. “I’ve had a great time with Ivy and Seren when Declan’s working and everyone here is so kind and friendly.”
“Have you decided where you want to live after Christmas?”
Winterlyn glanced at Declan, who gave her an encouraging smile.
“We’re going to stay here. At least for a few years, until we have kids and want to be with the pack.” She pursed her lips and stared at Santa. He was bigger than life. More powerful than she’d ever known was possible for one person to be.
“Ask what you will of me,” he said, his eyes glowing bright blue for a moment.
How did he know she wanted to ask him something?
“He’s not psychic, but his magic reveals things to him,” Declan whispered.
Santa simply nodded.
“I’d like to work with the toy makers. I can sew, and I’m pretty creative. I’ve been teaching myself how to watercolor paint by watching online videos.”
“When will you return from the States?”
“A few days after Christmas,” Declan said. “We’re going to her parents’ on Christmas Day and then driving down to mine for a few days so she can get to know the pack.”
“Marisela!” Santa hollered.
His voice boomed through the barn. A door creaked open and a female said, “You’ll wake the dead, Santa.”
A short female walked in, a thick shawl around her shoulders, gray hair piled on her head in a messy bun. As she hurried to join them, Santa said, “This is Marisela. She’s the head of the Toy Makers’ Guild, and she’ll find you a job here for as long as you’d like.”
“How did you...how did she…” Winterlyn was dumbfounded.
Marisela smiled warmly and shook Winterlyn’s hand. “Dear girl, he’s magic. He’s the most magical person in the world, and he has a gift for knowing what people need when it comes to their Christmas Wish. That’s how the toy makers know what to make and how he knew you would want to work with us. He asked me to meet you all here. Do you want to start after the holidays? Say January second? You can work the same shift as your mate.”
“That would be amazing,” Winterlyn said.
“You can work with the painters. You’ll fit right in. Merry, my daughter, has been a painter for a few years. I’ll introduce you to her when you come back from your trip to the States.”
“Thank you so much,” Winterlyn said.
She looked in awe at Santa and then at Declan. With a happy squeal, she hugged her mate and kissed his cheek.
“I’d say she’s happy,” Declan said with a laugh.
“Very,” Winterlyn promised.
Marisela excused herself to finish packing the toy bag.
“I’m ready when you are,” Santa said.