“That’s the thing, though… what about Zach?”
That’s a mood killer. I flip back to my side of the bed and stare at the ceiling. “Well, shit.”
“Yeah.” Claire is quiet for a few minutes as we both think. “We could… not tell him, I guess.” From her tone, I can tell that it’s not something that she’s in favor of. Neither am I. This thing between us is brand new, but I don’t want to start it with a lie.
“No, we should tell him and your folks. We’ll just have to wait for the right time.” I shift on the sheets, feeling them stick to my skin. “Can I go open a window?” Her apartment is so small (cheap, really—I’m assuming that it’s all she could afford, and we’ll be having a talk about her not asking for help when in danger, but later) and I doubt that it’s set up for air conditioning.
“Oh, sure.”
I crawl out of bed and slip my boxers back on. After I open the window in her room and head to the kitchen to get us both some water. As I’m searching through the cabinets, there’s a knock at the door. Without asking Claire, I head to open it. Lenny may be behind bars, but I’m still on alert. When I open the door, the worst possible person it could possibly be is standing there.
It’s Zach.
Once again, shit.
“Hey man,” I start slowly. I don’t even try to deny what just happened. It’s probably pretty damn obvious, but I figure that if I get it all out before Zach loses his temper—and most likely decks me—it may help ease the situation a little bit. “I want you to know that I really care about Claire. This isn’t just some fling for me, I think this is the real thing. She makes me happy and I want to protect her, keep her safe. She’s amazing, Zach.”
My best friend is quiet. Then, he starts shouting at me.
“What the holy fuck, Nick?!”
Chapter 8- Claire
Sex with Nick was nothing short of phenomenal. It wasn’t anything like what I had expected. He was playful but firm at the same time, mindful of my needs, my newness, but still easily controlling the situation. I’d be happy to lay in my bed with him all day, making love and talking.
I’m daydreaming and waiting for Nick to come back with some water as the breeze from the now-open window slowly cools off the room. Who knew that sex was so sweaty? The high that I’ve got right now makes how I feel when I’m running feel like nothing. I’m not just content. I’m blissfully happy.
The sudden shout from the other room tells me that my plans for the rest of the day are not going to happen.
I dive out of bed and scramble into my panties and Nick’s t shirt. It’s so baggy on me that it’s practically a dress. It covers more of my legs than my running shorts from earlier did. A repeat of earlier is just what I’m afraid of. That somehow, Lenny got out of the police station lock up and is here to hurt me and Nick.
I skid around the corner to see Zach in the open doorway of my apartment, a furious look on his face. Ah, so that’s who was yelling. I’m so relieved that Lenny isn’t back that I don’t really realize the severity of the situation until my brother starts talking.
“So, this morning I slept in and when I woke up, I decided that I should stop by my little sister’s apartment. I haven’t seen her new place yet, so I thought it would be the brotherly thing to do, see if there’s anything that she needs. I show up and what do I find but my best friend is his damn underwear!” As Zach rants, his face gets redder and redder until it’s closer to purple. Any other time and I would’ve teased him about it since he looks so darn ridiculous! But this really isn’t a laughing matter. I don’t want Zach and Nick’s friendship to be ruined because of me. They’ve been inseparable for years. This can’t be what ends their friendship… can it?
Nick and I have so much more to talk about, but we just don’t have the time. Zach is here right now and he wants answers.
Well, I think to myself, there goes mine and Nick’s plans to tell my family on our own time, when we’re ready. I guess I have to be ready right now. “We’re happy, Zach. It’s new, really new but… Nick is important to me.”
“He’s important to me too! In case you don’t remember, he’s my best friend! Claire!” Zach finally comes all the way into my apartment, instead of standing in the doorway and yelling for all my neighbors to hear. Well, I’m sure given his volume, they’ll be able to hear him through the thin walls, but now we at least have the illusion of some privacy. “What were you thinking?” Zach turns to Nick. “More importantly, what were you thinking?”
Really? “And what’s that supposed to mean? Don’t I get an equal say in this?”
“No!” Silence rings out after Zach’s shouted denial.
Next to me, Nick is dumbstruck. What a ridiculous sight we must make, standing there in our underwear and staring. It’s all I can really do though, stand and stare, because I realize what this is all about.
“You still think of me as a little kid, don’t you,” I say. It’s not a question and from the look in Zach’s eyes, I know that I’ve hit the nail on the head. It’s been like this my whole life. I love Zach, but he is overprotective to a fault.
“Claire, you’re my baby sister, I—”
I don’t give Zach a chance to continue. “You more than anyone should know what a good person Nick is. You said it yourself; he’s your best friend! Can’t you just let us be happy? Be in love?”
All of this is said without looking at Nick. It was wonderful, being with him earlier but love? I’m afraid that I’ve went too far, too fast. Will this drive him away? I’m not naïve, I know that he could just have said all of those things to me because he wanted to have sex with me and stay in my good graces, since I’m his best friend’s little sister. But I’ve known Nick for so many years. I know that he’s not like that—he’s not that type of a guy. He cares about me, I just know it! Maybe he doesn’t love me, but… I have to mean something to him.
“Love?!” The doubt on Zach’s face hurts.
For the first time in the conversation (if it can even be called that—it’s more Zach just yelling), Nick speaks up. “It’s true.” He’s standing next to me, tall and proud and confident. We exchange a glance and Nick reaches out to take my hand in his. His grip is firm and comforting. I didn’t even realize that I was shaking until the trembling stops at his reassuring touch. “I love her, man. This, right here? It’s the real thing.”