Releasing one hand from her backside, I pull a small box from my back pocket and rattle it beside her face.

She slides my earlobe from between her lips and turns to look.

“Wow.” She shifts her mischievous gaze from the box to me. “Amid a major work crisis, you still had the presence of mind to pick up condoms?”

“Priorities.” And right now, my priority is having Hannah. Right now. Right here. On the desk, if that’s what’s nearest. Or the floor. Or that chaise longue. Or up against the window while we admire the view.

Anywhere. Any way. But I need to be inside this woman like I’ve never needed anything in my life. If someone told me I wasn’t allowed to give her an orgasm until I’ve given away the business I’ve spent more than a decade building, I’d ask where I need to sign.

She laughs, a full, happy laugh directly from the heart. Then springs up and wraps her legs around my waist.

“Whoa.” I drop the condom box and catch her under the butt, a cheek in each hand. “If I’d known I’d get a response like tha?—”

She silences me with her mouth. Her lush lips are soft but firm against mine, removing any doubt she wants me as much as I want her. Her tongue finds my top lip, then the bottom, then slides against mine, deep and hungry.

Her kisses are a firecracker to my balls. My hard-on shifts to full mast, and my fingers dig deep into her ass as she grinds the precious opening I’m so desperate to enter against me.

“I want you so much, Tom.” She breaks contact with my mouth just long enough to get the words out, her breath hot and heavy.

“That’s music to my ears.” She slides her warm mouth to my neck. “Such sweet fucking music.”

Her nip at the soft spot just above my collarbone is the final straw.

I walk us closer to the desk, cradling her butt in one hand while pushing the laptop to one side with the other.

By now she’s undone the top two buttons of my shirt and is grazing her lips and tongue along my collarbone.

“Oh, Jesus Christ, Hannah.” I place her on the desk and take her face in my hands.

My mouth is half a hairbreadth from her lips when my phone trills with the sound of the concierge buzzer. “Oh, shit.”

“What’s that?” she asks, working her way down the buttons.

I drop my forehead against hers and sigh. “On my way home, I called Hugo and put him off till tomorrow. And ordered some food so we could stay in. That’ll be the food.”

“Can’t the front desk guy take it?” She’s on the final button, dangerously close to my dick, which is about ready to climb out of my jeans all by itself.

Pulling away right now is the last thing I want to do. “Sure. But I like to tip cash. I always wonder if the delivery people actually get the one from the app. So I do both.”

She rests her lips against my chin and looks up at me. “You tip twice?”

“For deliveries. Yes. Just in case.”

She groans and drops her forehead against my shoulder.

Screw it. My fingers find their way under her top and stroke her sides. She wiggles under my touch.

Just as she’s on the point of collapsing against me, she takes hold of my wrists and slides my hands out from under her clothes. “I can’t believe I’m stopping you. But that’s just about the most adorable thing I’ve ever heard.”

She gives me a playful pat on the backside. “Go tip the delivery person. Again.” Then claws her fingers down the center of my chest, over my belly, and hooks them in the waistband of my jeans. “And I’ll find some plates. Now that I think of it, I am actually starving.”

She’s a fucking joy.

“Just one more.” I cup her face again and taste her sweet, sweet mouth before adjusting my crotch and doing up the bottom few buttons of my shirt so it covers the business going on down there.

“Here.” I pull my phone from my pocket. The alert was, indeed, for the delivery. I unlock the phone and hand it to Hannah. “You pick the music we eat to.”

“Oo, the power,” she says, taking it and bouncing off the desk.