“We are going…” he says slowly as we enter the center of the village, “…right…here.”

He parks along the curb.

What the hell is here, in the middle of the village? When everything’s already closed on a Tuesday evening? I look over my shoulder. “Are we walking back to the pub or something?”

“Nope. We’re going there.” He points across the street to the new chocolate shop, which I now see has a sign in the window that reads,Chocolate-Making Workshop Evening.

“We’re going to make chocolate?”


“Do you even like chocolate that much?”

“I like it enough. And I know you love it more than you love Dylan.”

“To be fair to Dylan”—I mime weighing scales with my hands—“probably about the same.”

“Saw the sign as I was leaving for the city and thought it would be perfect.” He looks very proud of himself.

I tap one of those sexy shoulders with one finger. “Well, look at you with your original ideas and organizational ability.”

“They are among my most appealing attributes.”

I’m tempted to quip back with something about his less appealing skills of skipping the country and losing touch, but if I’m doing this Bridge Person thing, I need to keep a lid on that stuff and enjoy this for what it is.

“Come on then, Dashwood. Show me what you got.”

As I reach for the door handle to hop out and discover what sweet adventure we have in store, one of his hands lands on my thigh while the other pulls my face back around to look into eyes that are a richer, smoother brown than any chocolate I’m likely to see this evening.

“This is part of my plan too,’’ he says. And his mouth is on mine, more eager than at my door, harder, needier.

His fingers press into my thigh as he tips my face to give me all the clues I could ever need as to what his tongue could do to other parts of my body.

My clit throbs in anticipation of receiving the same treatment. My nipples tighten, hoping they’ll get to go first. Every inch of my skin yearns for a turn under his mouth.

He pulls away and looks at me, our chests rising and falling faster than before.

“I like this part of the plan very much.” My voice is lower and more gravelly than I’ve ever heard it.

“Yeah, well, I obviously didn’t think it through properly because now we need to wait here a minute. I can hardly walk into the shop like this.” He gestures in the general direction of his crotch.

I shrug. “Maybe they’ll just think you like chocolateverymuch.”

“Shit.” He sits back in his seat. “But also we need to get out of this car before I can’t stop myself from doing that again.”

“And before I can’t stop you from doing it.”

The magnetic pull between us, the desperation to tear through clothes and have each other right here and now outside the village chocolate shop, sets the air between us so abuzz I could almost touch it.

Tom picks up my hand and kisses the back of it. From frantic passion to tenderness in the blink of an eye. My heart melts as much as it pounds.

“Okay, Hepburn, you delicious, sparky-brained, sexy-as-fuck chocolate-lover. Let’s go.”

As we step through the shop door, we’re wrapped in a warm, sweet aroma and greeted by a young woman with her dark hair tied up in a bun. She’s wearing a pink apron dotted with sunflowers and bearing the store name,Choc Full of Love, across the chest.

She lifts two glasses of sparkling wine from a tray and hands them to us. “Welcome, first arrivals! I’m Delia.”

The shop opened only a week ago, and I haven’t had the chance to check it out yet. But it is adorable with a capital A and DORABLE.