We head off, side by side, toward our waiting driver.

We might be spending only a couple months in each other’s company, but we might as well try to enjoy it. Also, I’m itching to know what her life’s been like. What the story is with why she left the last guy. And why she’s so fixated on California being the solution.

I open the car door and she climbs in.

“Ew.” Her face contorts as her wet backside hits the seat.

Without thinking, I fold my coat into an absorbent cushion. “Here.”

She takes it with a nod of thanks and shoves it between her fabulous arse and the seat.

As I slide in beside her, I hold out my hand. “Who’s next?”

She reaches into her bag and, with a smile that lights up the damp night and a corner of my heart that’s been dark for a very long time, pulls out a folder marked “Divine Justice.”




o do you want me to get hold of the Divine Justice manager for you tomorrow?” I ask Tom as we find a spot by the wall of the crowded third venue to wait for our final band of the night—my second pick. It’s standing room only in here.

Divine Justice had been okay, not spectacular, but I could see their appeal. And their songs were catchy, so it was obvious why Tom might be interested in them from a commercial point of view.

As we’d watched them, I’d almost reached for the scorecard for him to fill out. But, embarrassed by the fact it’s still blank from the first horrendous episode, I left it where it was.

I just hope to God the band we’re waiting for doesn’t make me look as much of a fool as that first one did—it’s like the group that got on stage in that hideous bar was completely different from the one I’d listened to online.

At least no one in this place looks like they might stab me if I accidentally step on their toe, so that’s a good start.

Although the last thing I wanted was for Tom to think of me as a helpless waif he needed to rescue on his white charger, I was definitely relieved when he appeared by my side as I was trying to negotiate my way around that Megadeth guy.

And the way he put his hands on my waist and held on tight as he found us a route out of that place… Well, good God.

Not only was it the first time I’d ever felt someone take charge purely because they had my interests at heart, but there was a moment where I was pushed right back against him and I swear to God I felt a hardening against my butt.

I’m not sure if it was infuriating, thrilling, or terrifying that he might have the same lustful thoughts about me as I do about him. But it would be best if I stopped trying to figure it out and just forgot about it. And anyway, any straight man’s dick would probably stiffen at the brush of any woman’s ass. Isn’t that just how they’re wired?

So, it means nothing. And even if it did mean something, that would be worse. Terrible. I certainly don’t need that.

There’s only one thing worse than any man being interested in me right now and that’sTombeing interested in me right now. Or ever, actually.

My whole life’s focus is Dylan. I’m not about to get involved with anyone. Much less someone who will vanish back to London and leave me behind for a second time.

There’s no way this man is shattering my heart more than once.

We just need to get along while I work for him and we live under the same roof. And that’s all it shall be. Purely practical getting along.

A couple beers and Divine Justice later, I’m a bit more relaxed about the whole thing. Particularly since my backside dried out after the humiliating stuck-heel incident.

Few things are more likely to wreck a good ole defiant stomp-off than crashing ass first into a cold puddle.

And why did Tom have to be so nice and give me his coat to sit on in the car? That was way too freaking adorable.

Thank God I’m moving to California soon and he’ll be going back to London. That prevents any danger I might tumble right back down the Tom rabbit hole.

Yes,thank God.