“Yep. Who’s gonna be Simon?”

“Me,” says Opal confidently.

“You’re always Simon,” Violet whines.

“Well,” Sophie says, crouching down next to Violet as Opal runs to stand behind the couch, “I think you can beat me and your Uncle B, so you’ll probably be Simon next.”

Violet’s eyes shine, her mouth spreading into a wide grin as she looks at Sophie.

“You thint I tan win?” she asks.

“You betcha. I’m terrible at this game.”

Opal calls us all to attention, her commanding tone verging on bossy. Sophie and I stand in a line on either side of Violet and I give Opal a wink.

“Ok, Simon says…” she pauses, thinking for a minute. “Touch your nose.”

All three of us act.

“Touch your eye.”

None of us move. Opal rolls her eyes.

“Simon says hop on one foot.”

All three of us begin to hop. Violet is having trouble, but when Opal opens her mouth to mention it, I shake my head just enough for her to see. Glancing between me and Violet, she thinks better of punishing her sister.

“Stop jumping.”

Sophie stops and then slaps her forehead.

“Oh, man.” She looks at Violet. “You beat me.”

Violet grins, still hopping.

“Simon says stop jumping.”

Sophie sits at the kitchen table, turning toward us so she can watch.

“Simon says put your hand on your head.”

I take the hand touching my nose and place it on my head.

“Ah!” Opal points at me. “I didn’t say to stop touching your nose!”

“Guess you win, beans.” I groan and look down at Violet who is positively beaming.

“So I det to be Simon?” she asks excitedly.

“You do,” says Sophie.



Opal and Violet fade quickly after another two more rounds of the game. I can see the crankiness beginning to rear its ugly head as they squabble over whether each of us is following the rules. Finally, Brody pipes up.

“How about a movie?”