“Down here!” She doesn’t have to shout too loud in the small space.
I smile, realizing as I approach why she didn’t fully step out. All Penny Pepper is wearing is a red lace bra and a matching thong. It takes me a moment to find my voice, but I stammer a greeting.
“It’s lovely to meet you.” I hold my hand out like it’s not awkward standing here fully clothed while she's barely covered in her lingerie.
Penny pulls me into a hug against her tiny frame.
“Come on in, girlie! I’m Penny.” Her voice is musical and light, filled with excitement.
“Wow, this is beautiful.”
I enter the apartment through the kitchen and stare around at the space with its crisp, white walls. The kitchen countertops are gray and look like they might be marble. The stainless steel appliances are sleek and simple. Further in is a living room with a slightly off-white sectional couch and wicker coffee table. By the window in the corner is a matching wicker chair with a huge, round back and a black cushion. A television is mounted on the wall opposite the couch and beneath that is a long bookshelf made of dark wood.
None of it matches except for the wicker furniture, but it feels homey. The endless number of plants that are, quite literally, everywhere really add to the aesthetic. There are five hanging in front of the window that looks out over the street below. The bookshelf below the television has more than I care to count–a few large creeping vine plants, but mostly smaller ones. There’s an enormous rubber plant by the wicker chair and another by the couch. Still more are sitting on a small table between the couch and a hallway that I assume leads to the bedrooms. Even the kitchen has a few low-light plants on the counter which stand out against the white backsplash.
Natalie and I have quite a few plants, but I aspire to this level of green thumbery.
“It's a work in progress,” says Penny. I gape at her.
“Oh my god, it’s perfect. Do you film out here on the couch? 'Cause the light from that window is-” I make a chef’s kiss motion and Penny giggles.
“Yeah, it’s one of our favorite filming locations. The bedrooms have some good lighting too, but you’re right about the light out here.”
A woman appears in the hallway wearing a long, dark green, satin robe, cinched tight around her waist. A smile spreads across her pink, glossy lips.
“Hey Honey, I’m Vera.” She holds out her hand as she closes the space between us and this time, my smile is a little easier. I’ve gotten over the shock of the basically naked greeting I received from Penny.
“It’s so nice to meet you both. I was just telling Penny how much I love your place.”
“That’s sweet.” Vera’s voice is a little deeper, sultry. The two women make a powerful team, on- and off-camera.
“Can I get you anything?” asks Penny, moving back into the kitchen. “Water or…?”
“Oh, water would be great, thank you.” I set my purse on top of my suitcase and Vera eyes the luggage.
“You came prepared,” she chuckles and quickly adds, “I like it. Penny and I were thinking we could sit for a few minutes and chat. Just to make sure we’re all comfortable. Is that ok?”
“Honestly, I’d prefer it,” I admit. I’m always game to jump right in, but when I’m outnumbered, it’s easier to sit and talk first.
Penny hands me a glass of ice water and I follow the women over to the sectional. Vera isn’t quite as heavy as I am, but she’s definitely got some curves to her. She’s similar in size to Natalie, though her weight is distributed a little differently, held more in her breasts and thighs in a way that suits her. Her pale skin is perfect–neither of the women has tattoos, unlike the way my arms and thighs are covered in random designs–and her hazel eyes are absolutely glowing. I can tell just how much she loves this job.
“Can I ask how you two met?” I can’t stand it. I know from their social media that they’ve been friends for a while and people speculate that they’re in a relationship together, but I’m not sure.
“Penny was the videographer on a shoot I did a couple of years ago,” says Vera, easily using her friend’s stage name. “We connected and hit it off. We even went to dinner right after the shoot.” She grins at Penny who returns the smile.
Oh, they aresodating.
“We talked about how much we love the industry and I said I wanted to try being in front of the camera. Vera helped me with the confidence required to show off my body.” Penny shrugs. “I’ve never felt so at ease with someone so quickly.”
“That’s kind of how I metmyroommate,” I reply with a warm smile on my lips. I fucking love friendship. Real friendship is so wholesome and sweet and pure and I just love to see it. I could give a TED Talk about my favorite TV show friendships. “But it was at a convention about a year ago instead of on a shoot and she was already involved in the industry.”
“So not at all like how we met,” Vera laughs.
“Ok, maybe not, but we clicked instantly. That’s what I meant.”
“Kind of wild how that can happen,” Penny muses.